Based on excerpts from various threads...this might be good for a laugh, but in a bittersweet way:
1) NTs claim that Aspies think in black-and-white, but when it comes to NT acceptance, somebody either has to be completely like them, or not at all. You don't get points for trying to be normal, you must be normal.
2) NTs state that Aspies have odd rituals that don't make any sense, but NTs have plenty of these too, many of which are arbitrary and just a matter of ingrained custom, no explanation required.
3) The popular belief still persists that autism is all-or-nothing i.e. Rain Man, you can't be somewhat autistic. Again, this comes down to who really thinks in black-and-white terms.
4) NTs can sometimes get irritated with Aspies' clueless behaviour, so they attempt to further distance them by dropping hints that they're not welcome. Such as the workplace for e.g., they might drop hints like "forgetting" to include them on meeting invites, putting them on less significant projects, etc. It's like attacking the problem with the same root cause of the problem. As Einstein once famously said, "insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result."
5) People claim that the Japanese are like a "foreign" or "alien" culture, yet NTs exhibit much of the same, i.e. they have difficulty saying "no" directly, they try to let people save face instead of giving them direct feedback to help them improve, and they have a group-oriented mentality.