I've pondered this one spontaneously, just now (who says Aspies can't be spontaneous )
Let's say that you have full-blown Aspergers (with some counselling and improvement, but still noticeable...), and every day you're around peers in a typical setting like school or the workplace or cohabitants, or whatever. Then one day, you wake up completely NT, you retain the long-term memory but suddenly you can instinctively read emotional cues, know what unwritten codes are expected of you, attach significance to the overall context of a situation instead of fine details, etc, etc.
After all those months of knowing you, what would those people think???
That you were playing a game all along??! (and get more pissed off at you than they were before?)
That all is "forgiven" for past quirks - you made a miraculous "recovery"?
Or just status quo, same treatment as whatever it was before?
Let's also assume in this case that the peers had very little idea or understanding of Aspergers.
So what do you think?