I think that the most effective way for me to express emotions is to wear an emoticon display screen on my forehead. Whenever I want to express an emotion, I press a button for the emoticon that I want to display on the screen. This way, I don't have to try to make any facial expressions to express any emotions, so there is less danger of me making weird facial expressions that don't match my emotions and having others interpret my weird facial expressions incorrectly. Due to Internetz usage, most people seem to understand emoticons well. I could display an emoticon at the end of every sentence that I utter. This way, I don't have to decide when or when not to display an emoticon. I could press the buttons by default, at the end of every sentence. This would give me something to focus on and do with my hands as well. There could be only a few emoticon choices. There could be a default emoticon displaying my default mood neutral. Emotive words could appear beneath the emoticon to further reinforce the emotion that I am expressing. I have often fantasized about wearing a Darth Vader mask. I would also like to stop having to speak. I would also like to stop having to hear and auditorily process what others are saying to me. Instead, it would be nice to have a device that acts as an electronic ear for me, picking up human speech out of background noises to display text on a screen, like on my iPad. It could translate foreign languages too. Another thing that I would like to walk around inside is a sensory deprivation bubble that I could turn on and off at will. It could be an invisibility cloak as well, for when I need to zone out and retreat to near-perfect aloneness in public.
Please help me add to my list of wishes.