My mom. She was always fighting for me, taking me to my doctors and therapy, had to work to earn money to pay for my therapy out of her own pocket since she couldn't find support for me so she had to find private therapy for me and pay for it herself and it was $35,000 a year she told me. I am not sure if it was just for that one year in six grade or not. My dad made enough to cover all the bills so my mom made enough to pay for my therapies. I knew I was expensive. I wouldn't have been able to afford myself if I were my child.
I have vague memories of my mother working with me when I was a young child. There were things she had to teach me I wasn't learning in school like reading, telling time, counting money and she taught me to tie my shoes. She also had to learn to be visual, and she took classes. She also got me out of that special ed class too when I was eight and put me in mainstream.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.