Hi, I'm new here and the reason I joined is to get some insight. I feel like there's something.. not wrong... different about me. I've always been weird, socially awkward, etc and recently I've started to wonder if I have aspergers. I read something online, a circle where this guy has e-mailed a woman he went on a date with, the woman didn't cal or return his calls after so this guy decided to send her an e-mail. The e-mail was written in exactly the way I talk/communicate, I saw nothing odd/wrong with it but when I read the comments under the post people found it hilarious and someone mentioned the guy probably has aspergers, this is what made me wonder about myself.
I've done several tests online but I don't believe they are adequate. I thought perhaps people here could give me a better idea. I have listed some of my traits that leads me to believe I may have this condition:
I was wondering if anyone with experience of this condition can give me a clue. I had this inkling that I might have it and recenlty a woman I met who's worked with such people said she thinks I do. This is why I think I have it:
1. I feel awkward communicating with more than 2 people (I prefer 1 but can manage 2)
2. I feel uncomfortable in crowds
3. I have a very vivid pictoral imagination
4. I notice numbers/patterns a lot (number plates for example)
5. I count a lot- in fact it got obsessive and I have to actively stop myself doing this!
6. People tell me I'm being rude even though I meant to be polite
7. When I talk it's difficult for others to get a word in
8. I can't just 'chat', every conversation I have is detailed, intense, a debate or intellectual discussion
9. I notice patterns in everything
10. I can't handle sudden changes, spontaneity, surprises etc
11. People scare me
12. I don't understand emotions. I just don't get how/why some things bother people.
What do you think? If I do have aspergers do I need to see someone? Is it important to get a diagnosis? What are the implications of having this condition?
Any help will be greatly appreciated