I'm pretty sure that my parents did enjoy punishing me. I was spanked a lot, as a child. I think that my Mom's hobby was spanking my sister and I and making us feel guilty. Her favrourite line was, "I try to be nice to you, and this is what I get?" Those words still echo in my Mind, from time to time. Those are the exact voices that almost got me into the Looney Bin, eight years ago, back in the Spring of 1998. I was sent to my room, for talking about my Obsessions, at one point. None of this stuff will matter, anymore. I'll be on my own, soon. I'll be starting over, in life. I'll also be giving myself the unconditional love that I've felt was lacking, in my Childhood Home. That means making healthy meals and snacks, and buying myself a nifty non-food reward, three times a year.