I wasn't sure where else to post this, so I'm posting it here where hopefully the most people will see it.
Also, the smiley is a lie.
I need advice, and I need it bad. IN BRIEF: I work for a hospital in the Medical Records department. Once a month, a department hosts a 'social'. A social is where all two hundred or so doctors and nurses and office workers and housekeeping and maintenance and EMS and clinic workers and their dogs! (There are no dogs. Sadly.)
So, usually, I go to these socials, except for the one time no one else went. I suppose I feel like it's necessary. The one time I ducked out, the CFO was asking my co workers where I was so I felt like I had to go back. These socials are awful. There are about two hundred or so employees in our facility. ALL OF THEM come. So, I try to stay as long as I can until the pressure gets to much. I don't get anything done for the rest of the day. Once, my coworkers saw me having a bit of a breakdown after one social. I told them I have anxiety about crowds, and that was it. Like, a panic attack or something. They do not know I am on the spectrum. I am terrified of disclosing it. I live in West Texas, where people aren't the most understanding of different kinds of people. I fear the pre- and misconceptions that people have
about autism would affect their judgement of me. I also lack an official diagnosis, and don't really plan on getting one, unless USA decides to socialize healthcare or something, because I just can't afford it, and there is little benefit I could receive from it. I digress. Usually, I leave when the pressure becomes to much. I think I said that already. I don't know. Jittery.
Tomorrow, we are hosting the social. I do not have the luxury of leaving. I fear the inevitable breakdown. I'm terrified, and I don't know what to do.
And we're doing it in just about the damned smallest room you could imagine. Maybe as wide as three school buses and as long as one and a half. Full of tables and food and loud talking people and announcements and trophies and employees of the months.
I have no clue what to do. I am desperate for guidance.