invisibubble wrote:
Could be wrong but I don't think you did anything wrong. It defies logic that you would introduce your girlfriend to a guy you were just introduced to as your girlfriend would have heard the introduction thus you would have looked stupid if you repeated the introduction. I don't think this is about an NT rule - it's a thing with your GF - maybe even she was embarrassed because she couldn't remember your colleague's name or something. I guess you could get around that in future by saying "x, do you remember y?" - at which point they'll both say yes even if they don't but then they find out the other person's name if they need to.
I second this. The guy was new to you, right? It would seem you'd have just as much an obligation to introduce her to the stranger as your friend had to do the opposite. Why should the responsibility fall on you? Besides, if your friend is familiar with these sorts of rules, and she didn't do it, then I'd think the onus is more on her than on you. She would be outright defying the convention, whereas you would be ignorant of it. It's hardly fair to blame you when your friend should've set the example.
That's my logical argument. From my personal point of view, I think your gf is just overreacting. Either she felt too nervous to introduce herself and decided to place an undue burden on you so she would feel better, or she forgot you have trouble with these sorts of conventions and isn't giving you the patience and understanding that she should. Either way, I'm sorry you had to go through with that, but don't feel too bad. If your friends thought everything was normal, then you did well. As for the gf, well, I hope she realizes it wasn't your fault.