I find going out in public very difficult, but it's something that has to be done. I am capable of doing it, but it just makes me feel anxious. Here's a little list of things what make me anxious of going out in public, what some other people here will most probably relate to:-
Other people
This is the number 1 thing that makes me feel anxious: other people. Especially now that I know that public places aren't just a way from getting to point A to point B, but has also turned into a ''I'm better than you!'' compitition, in other words, you got to wear clothes and act in a way that makes you blend in, which all accords to your age, gender, religeon, and environment. It's difficult, especially when people don't realise that people with social/learning difficulties also have got as much right to use public places as anybody else, and that some of us haven't got a choice but to go out. I just wish NTs had more consideration for other people's feelings, then I think Social Anxiety would be reduced in lots of people, Aspie or not.
I don't hate supermarkets, but again it's the people in the supermarkets what make it more stressful. Lots of people admit it, but they can block the crowds out better than I can. I'm always standing in someone's way; there's always somebody creeping up from behind me and suddenly I see an arm creep out from nowhere to snatch the exact item I am standing in front of, which makes me jump, and then I turn around to see some prick glaring up at me snapping, ''excuse me!'' - and the person or people I'm with never get in the way. Even my Aspie friend, who is as awkward as me, doesn't seem to get in people's way in supermarkets.
Kids spoil everything. You can't eat a meal in a restaurant, or go shopping, or get/wait for a bus or train, or do anything else like that without someone's baby screaming and bawling. It's so distracting, I can't concentrate on anything else, and it causes hatred. Parents even bring them into the library so the peace is shattered there aswell. And the school-aged kids spoil the summer by having half the summer off, and the teenagers make everywhere feel intimidating when you're on your own because they loiter about and are mostly upto no good and don't seem to have any respect for anyone.
Loud noises
This also makes me anxious. Cars bibbing when they go by me (even if the people in the car don't know me), sirens blarring on as they pass me, dogs barking (especially if they are tied up outside shops), kids screaming, loud motorbikes, other loud vehicles, and workers in shops throwing crates down making that sudden loud irritating bang.