Besides the enormous stress that I had to suffer from lecturing and from dealing with my colleagues, there was another reason for me to abandon teaching. My chair was officially “history of sociology”. While there is great latitude in how to treat the subject matter, you have to talk of the founders of sociology and of the following developments. Now the great theoreticians, foremost among them a German philosopher called Max Weber, had alla very bleak view of the future. I shared and I share their pessimism. Weber died at 50 right after WW1. WW1 made thirty millions dead, most young boys who where dragged in the trenches, the great majority of them forced by their states to take part in what amounted to be the deadliest civil war ever fought, preceded by the American civil war and followed by the Spanish civil war and by WW2. Atom bombs were dropped in for the first time in 1945. In human history there have always been wars and slaughters, but what strikes us is that these indiscriminate bloodlettings and destructions happen now in the framework of a unified culture, they are all civil wars. If you have to sum up the reasons for pessimism one would say that a common culture (which is the “culture” of production for the sake of production and consumption for the sake of consumption) is not an obstacle to bloody infighting and conflict, which is nourished by an growing Armageddon of means. So, what positive message can one give to young people at this point of history? I think none other than try to find peace in oneself and in intimate life, keeping in mind that destruction is around the corner and threatens us in our physical and moral survival. When I left teaching, I left also because I felt that I could not face students with my bleak vision of things.
But there was another problem that haunted me then and haunts me now. The weight of those human affairs that go beyond a restricted circle of relationships, cannot stand on our shoulders. I think that voting or participating in politics is a vain choice. The direction of short term human affairs is in the hands of soulless professionals and wan't be changed by fleeting public opinions easily manipulated by the spin doctors. And I wonder if being absorbed in pessimism is not a consequence of our depression and failure to have strong bond with people around us. Ties with people mean warmth and a better life. The more you have of this the less you have to think to the looming human catastrophes. We are built by millions of years of evolution with an overabundant capacity for enjoyment (the French word jouissance is more apt) and resilience. Resilience of all the living is incredible and is the only fact we can be allied to in some way.
Hope to be pardoned for this small bit of lecturing from afar.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
--Samuel Beckett
Last edited by paolo on 27 Oct 2006, 1:36 am, edited 7 times in total.