I have somewhat of a schedule because I have a lot to do and if I don't schedule it, I won't get it all done. I do my housework on a sort of schedule, ie; things I do every day, and things I do on certain days, like dusting, windows, changing bed linens, etc. I write things down and make a daily list because if I don't I'll forget things. The AS doesn't make me forget, I used to never have a memory problem. It's the hormonal imbalance thats going on with my perimenopause that's causing it, I believe. Also, I just started back on my antidepressants and the Wellbutrin is terrible about causing me to forget. So when I'm on my meds, I always write things down.
I'm pretty organized overall, and always have been except when I'm depressed. I enjoy getting things done and knowing where everything is. That may be because I grew up in total chaos.
I dislike getting off my schedule though. I don't feel "right" until I'm caught up. Like yesterday, I was at the hospital all day for my mothers surgery. I had done most of my housework before we left at 6am, and finished the rest when we got back at 5pm, but yesterday was Monday and on Monday's I mop the whole house, not just the kitchen. I did not do that. I also didn't do any laundry. So today in addition to my regular housework, and today is a baking day so I have to bake as well and it's Tuesday so I dust the whole house, cobweb the corners and dust the ceiling fans, I also have to mop. Plus do things at my Mothers house because she's in the hospital. I'll make my list when I get my caffiene levels back up to normal. I just got up.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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