pensieve wrote:
1000Knives wrote:
I've had cats all my life, I like kitties, but they can be a bit much sometimes. My Maine Coon has been my favorite cat thus far, me and her get along the best, and she knows her name and is callable and stuff, it's a pretty doglike cat. Some can be trained to play fetch and stuff too, but overall, my favorite cats. The cuddliness of a cat, with many of the advantages of a dog, but no drawbacks of a dog. The breed comes from the Norwegian Forest Cat, which was domesticated and around humans a lot, especially on ships and whatnot, so they're pretty adept to humans.
I love how you go on about Maine Coons. I do the same thing. They are lovely. My Lyra is especially cuddly and affectionate. She is getting used to her new home though and is now exploring but I can always hear her voice. Sometimes she gets stuck on the roof and need me to guide her down. I don't think that would work with any other breed of cat. She listens to me and loves to be around me.
There's another cat here that fights with her and she always looks at me because she's unsure what to do. I usually pick her up and take her away from the cat. She's seriously the friendliest cat to the other pets especially the dog (they are buddies) but when threatened she can hold her own ground.
Did I tell you she once got so jealous I was patting another cat she jumped from a 10 ft balcony just to get to me. She shook off her injuries and just mewed at me. She's now called the Super Cat.
My maine coon is somewhat possessive, too. My Maine Coon I swear has like, cat Aspergers or something. She gets along pretty well with humans who aren't complete idiots, but not with other cats. She's not "mean" toward other cats, though. Like we got a new cat now who is mean to other cats, will start fights, all that stuff, my Maine Coon, when we first got her, she just hid everywhere, and it was me who got her to stop hiding and she really got attached to me. But, in relation with the other cats, if other cats would get within about 5 feet of her, she'd fight them. But, she wouldn't go after other cats, she just wanted them away from her. All the other cats would hang out in my mom's room most of the time, and she'd be near the kitchen at the other side of the apartment. She just needs her space and alone time and stuff. But, very very nice to people, especially me. Lately it's been sorta hard as she's been getting on my computer desk, but I've taught her over time to avoid the keyboard area.