So why is there no psychopath awareness?
I have autism and sick and tired of hearing about autism awareness and views that we are just a plague that needs to be rid of when there are actual dangerous people that charm, manipulate con and murder. Why is there no "awareness" spread for those that are actually out to harm?
Yeah, I've often wondered that, too. Especially, given that the damage to others caused by psycopaths is inifinitely greater than that caused by autistics.
There is some level of psycopath awareness, to the level of identifying the genetic components. Interesting article on the genetic aspects:
On the other hand, this doesn't seem to get the publicity that genetic screening for gender, autism or even homosexuality gets. You'd think that any developments in detecting the causes of psycopathy and hence the means to prevent it, would be big news. No more nightmare media stories of the horrors inflicted on innocents by psycopaths. Good news, surely.... But then who controls the media? Do we detect signs of conscience and empathy in the minds of those in power?
Maybe the psycopaths really are in the positions of power? For the scary view try :
In ... Political Ponerology, Andrej Lobaczewski explains that clinical psychopaths enjoy advantages even in non-violent competitions to climb the ranks of social hierarchies. Because they can lie without remorse (and without the telltale physiological stress that is measured by lie detector tests), psychopaths can always say whatever is necessary to get what they want.
Thanks to the renowned superficial charm of the psycopath, NT's get it all mixed up and don't see where the real threat lies. The AS spectrum may be the psychopaths worst enemy as many of us are not fooled by their superficial charm and display of status.
If I was paranoid I would suspect that the psychopaths in power want autistics eliminated so that they can maintain the control over the masses that they've had for the last few thousand years.
Circular logic is correct because it is.
Check this guy out. He is a sociopath himself. He has been talking about us aspies.
I've heard figures anywhere from 1-5% of the population of sociopaths, so less rare than us, especially if the ones who can function in society (often do things like run corporations, this is how we get things like Enron) are counted. It explains a lot.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams

Joined: 18 Dec 2007
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Dr. Robert Hare has been studying psychopaths(also called sociopaths) for decades.
He develped a checkist used in diagnosing these amoral human flotsam and jetsam.
I call these creeps human junk. They will never be cured. Just be aware of them and how they work. If it sounds too good to be true, or your inner voice nags you to refuse, then listen! Some examples, and these include child sexual predators:
Ted Bundy
Ed Gein
Paul Bernardo
Jeffrey Dahmer
Son of Sam
Manson and his clan
Clifford Olson
Wille Picton
Wayne Williams
There are also psychopaths who do not murder, or use violence. My ex-sister-in-law is a fraud artist, and uses people, expecially men, to get what she wants, with charm, etc. I saw through her, and one other person did too, and this is why she served nine months in Ontario's Vanier Institute for Women. I believe this sort of thing is both genetic and inherited, as her paternal grandfather was of this ilk, and denounced Jews in Estonia who asked for his help in return for him "minding" their gold and other family heirlooms. After the war, he fled to Canada with this gold and lived a comfortable life. I always hated this piece of barrel slime, and kept my children away from him.
Psychopaths are manipulative b*st*rds who leave chaos and immense turmoil after they get what they want, and then leave. People trust this scum with thousands of dollars and other valuables. i am immune to their crap but many are sucked in. A contemporary example everyone knows is the Nigerian e-mail scams.
These jerks prey on NT greed, and those with gambling addictions, and also poor women who are sex workers with drug issues. Psychopaths find your weakness and rip you off of your lifesavings and your life at worst.
Perhaps we aspies and auties can counteract this human s**t and develop our own awareness and warn the world, especially NTs. We can see these criminals for what they are.
Radiant Aspergian
Awe-Tistic Whirlwind
Phuture Phounder of the Philosophy Phactory
NOT a believer of Mystic Woo-Woo
Never forget that there are autistic psychopaths too. Every once in a while, they occur together. This isn't an NT thing exclusively. (Betcha the autistic ones are way easier to catch and put in prison, though.)
It may be because autistics often need specialized education early on, and sociopaths are only really obviously sociopaths as adults. Before that, there are many more children with ODD/CD who never grow into sociopaths, but with autism, it's obvious early.
It would be very nice if they dealt with those who have a high chance of becoming sociopaths--the ODD/CD population, which have a many times increased risk (with conduct disorder much more so than oppositional-defiant), early on instead of waiting for them to get in trouble with the law, or get into more serious trouble if they have already. Not with "tough love" or more punishment (well, unless they're not getting punished at all, or just getting a slap on the wrist) but with teaching them why it's important to do prosocial stuff instead of hurting people. Often times the only thing holding people back when they have underdeveloped morality is the fear of punishment; and if impulsivity or incompetent authority figures get them past that, there's nothing left to hold them back.
Many successful sociopaths follow the rules because they know it will benefit them, too. They may or may not ever develop true compassion; but if they could be taught that early--that it's beneficial to you to treat others decently (which is the best explanation that doesn't depend on people caring how others feel)--then I bet we could turn a lot of potential criminals into... well, lawyers, maybe. (Seriously, though, a sociopath--antisocial personality, or whatever--can probably fit into society fine once he realizes how much hurting others hurts him!)
Reports from a Resident Alien:
Autism Memorial:
Another aspect to consider if genetic screening is ever a reality. Given that lack of conscience is a great benefit in getting on in the worlds of business, politics and everyday life, won't many NT's actually *want* a sociopathic child as charm and social status are so highly valued by them?
On the other hand, a gifted Aspie is likely to underachieve through lack of charm, empathy and inability to compromise integrity and conscience.
Circular logic is correct because it is.
"Autism awareness" is to a great degree for educating the public to reasonably accommodate those of us on the spectrum
keeping in mind, of course, that its an opportunity for reciprocation on our part.
Sorry. I can't think of an instance where a psychopath should be accommodated for the nature of their being a psychopath.
Psychopathy and other personality disorders is one of my special interests. I've been reading about the psychopath mind online from time to time and this website the guy is asking the same thing we're asking and that is for his mindset to be acceptable in society. I totally agree with Neurodiversity to the core but I had a feeling this would present itself as an issue and a problem. More and more of them are going to ask to be in the ND movement and will even try to pretend to be an aspie. This man is using our logic against us and logically and technically he is correct and again I was afraid of this would happen.
I think what will have to happen is we're going to have to develop some kind of code of ethics for the ND movement and for any different mind configuration. If we have one already as I am just beginning to get into this than it will need to be developed in more detail.
We also have to be able to develop a way to root these types out and out them when they do inflitrate our movement. I think we can do that better than the NT mind can because we don't like to listen to BS and we will discover holes in what they say if they try to infiltrate.
I think we'll be fine if we just stick to logic instead of getting attached to people and convinced by their sophistry. Most sociopaths' lies tend to be viable only in cases where people can be convinced by social or emotional pressure to believe them; someone who can be convinced only if something makes sense does present a harder obstacle for a sociopath than most.
Reports from a Resident Alien:
Autism Memorial:
Psychopathy and other personality disorders is one of my special interests. I've been reading about the psychopath mind online from time to time and this website the guy is asking the same thing we're asking and that is for his mindset to be acceptable in society. I totally agree with Neurodiversity to the core but I had a feeling this would present itself as an issue and a problem. More and more of them are going to ask to be in the ND movement and will even try to pretend to be an aspie. This man is using our logic against us and logically and technically he is correct and again I was afraid of this would happen.
I think what will have to happen is we're going to have to develop some kind of code of ethics for the ND movement and for any different mind configuration. If we have one already as I am just beginning to get into this than it will need to be developed in more detail.
We also have to be able to develop a way to root these types out and out them when they do inflitrate our movement. I think we can do that better than the NT mind can because we don't like to listen to BS and we will discover holes in what they say if they try to infiltrate.
Sociopaths are to NTs what NTs are to us. NTs are unable to spot and handle the sociopaths around them. They are victims, as are we (maybe less vulnerable, though, and not targeted as much)
The things that you would do to be "aware" of sociopaths, therefore, are the same things that NTs try to do to spot "bad" people anyways. So these are already built into our culture (movies, fairy tales, religion): they try to spot people who don't care about other people, who lie well, who cheat easily, who manipulate and abuse others. A lot of limitations against sociopathic behavior are built into our criminal and civil justice system. Sociopaths are just those creatures who are more evolved along the direction of being (criminals) predators, if you can think of sociopathy as a kind of "spectrum" like Autism.
About 1 in every 23 people are sociopathic, so the rate of sociopathy in human society is very, very high. Sociopathy is much more common than depression or anxiety disorder, for example. It's much more common than AS. On the plus side, not all sociopaths are "evil". Some just have their traits but are functional, beneficial people in some respects. It's really bad, I think, when sociopaths also have some other kind of mental problem, like paranoid delusions or compulsive perversions, where they become harmful. But not all sociopaths harm others around them (intentionally).
He has no real clue about what the difference between Asperger and sociopathy is. In terms of differences, Asperger is more like a personality disorder while sociopathy is more like an identity disorder. An Asperger lacks a lot of cognitive function development and skills to properly form and project a social personality, whereas sociopaths lack the ability to identify with other people (who they often view as dehumanized objects or tools that they can use for their own purposes). Aspergers are deep as their social deficits are worst for their external social interface, sociopaths are shallow because their immature internal identity makes them curiously empty.
The really severe sociopaths have a creepy emptiness inside. The eerie emptiness of sociopaths is what people were referring when they say things like "looking into the eyes of a soulless killer". There's nothing there. Their lack of insight comes from this empty place inside, not disorientation with the outside world, like an Asperger's lack of insight.
He has a point, tho, about how badly sociopaths are viewed. In a sense, it is a natural disorder that is beyond their control, just as AS is beyond control. People just hate them more because AS people seem innocuous and naive. But on the other hand, some NTs tend to treat sociopaths better than autistics, respecting and fearing bullies whereas some NTs feel more comfortable dumping on AS people. So I don't think that sociopaths are as brutalized and marginalized as AS people are. So his whining rings pretty hollow.