I found a post in the past that said that people with AS often had trouble in public washrooms. I don't have this issue with public washrooms, but I do have them with school washrooms; the ones at my middle school were pretty much constantly filled with girls hanging out, once after school, some girls got a bit mad at me because I was using the washroom while they were hanging out in there, I always thought they put washrooms in school for people to use the washroom, but hardly anyone used them for that at my middle school. In grade 6, I would NOT use the washroom if there were girls hanging out in there. At my high school, less people hang out in the washrooms, but they aren't any nicer as this going to sound weird, but I have sensory issues with them. I hate the sound of people's feet when they walk across the bathroom floor; it sounds like paper sliding across a hardwood floor, the toilet paper in those washrooms is the worst! It's thin, hard and kind of dusty and REALLY hard to get off the roll. Also, the soap is very harsh, has a bad smell and sometimes, it takes the janitor 3 days to fill the dispensers if they are all out of soap. The water in the sink is also super cold. The worst is the fact that the fans don't work and sometimes, people will do "stinky business" in the bathrooms, and it stinks up the whole washroom (and sometimes, the whole hallway, seriously, one day I was walking down the hall and could smell the washroom from 25 feet away). So, if I go out at lunchtime, I make sure I use the washroom where ever I am to avoid using the school washrooms. If it almost the end of the day, I wait until I get home. I can't get go to long without using the washroom because it I have a hard time concreting if I need to go.
Public washrooms aren't so bad, though sometimes the one's that have poor air circulation because they smell really bad, and some of the are kind of dirty and disgusting. For reason, the washrooms at the malls near my place ALWAYS smell a bit.
Do you have any sensory issues (or social issues) related to washrooms?