Invader wrote:
I was thinking about making a very similar thread earlier, after looking in that gluten thread. I thought that maybe chocolate and cookie-like things might have gluten, but I'm sure I must eat plenty of other things which contain it and yet they cause no problems.
I wouldn't call it anxiety, but I do get a bit irritable. I won't be as comfortable in my skin, or my chair, and will feel a little restless. My expression would probably be more grumpy-looking than usual, as I feel my brow being more tense. It feels like being a child stuck in a hospital on a hot and stuffy day with the windows locked, with nothing to drink but warm hospital-brand cola, and nothing to do but squirm.
If I'm in a good enough mood beforehand it is less pronounced. I don't really like chocolate that much anyway, it's too rich, except in some of those special Ben and Jerry ice cream tubs, the milkier ones rather than the darker ones, and not the solid chunks. I tend to spit those out.
I think the cold smooth fluid qualities are probably calming and make the following discomfort less noticable.
A lot of behavioral things relating to food consumption are really just psychological. Anyway, I'm simply not a fan of chocolate as I'm not a fan of the taste.