My family doesn't "get" why I don't follow the her

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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21 Feb 2012, 4:28 pm

And I do "get" why they do, but I don't understand the "need" to.

Case-in-point. Today on facebook I posted that I find it funny that when driving, the only time I pass other vehicles on the road, is when there is a cop around. I stay the speed limit, but everyone else slows down to under the limit. So I end up passing a few vehicles.

My family was like, perhaps that's a hint? And if like 80% of everyone is doing it, maybe you should too? Umm. Why?! I'm legal. I have a clear conscience. Why should I slow down just cause everyone else is? (Bear in mind that I'm talking about a cop watching traffic from like the median. Not when they have a vehicle pulled over.)

So anyway. Just thought I'd throw this out there to see if any of you have similar experiences with your family not "getting" why you aren't a sheeple following the herd.

(BTW, I've told them I probably have Asperger's, but they think I'm lying.)

AQ: 32; EIQ: 69; BAPQ: 114 aloof, 86 rigid, 90 pragmatic
Aspie AS, NT: 109/200, 100/200 (Both traits)
EQ, SQ: 21, 67 (Extreme Systemizing); HSP: 12


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21 Feb 2012, 4:50 pm

I think people slow down below the speed limit when there is a cop because they sometimes pull you over saying you were going fast and then tell you to get your speedometer checked when you tell him you were going to speed limit. It may also be due to nervousness. I have found myself driver slower when I see a cop behind me because I be so nervous. I know I have nothing to be nervous about but it's hard to help. I am afraid of what if I make a mistake on the road, then I will get pulled over for it. That is what they are looking for.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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22 Feb 2012, 5:48 am

Yeah, I'm sure there are others that are nervous around cops, too. I guess perhaps I should've mentioned that I have several cop friends, worked a lot of security, went through police academy, and am a professional driver. Probably makes me less nervous around cops. :-D