Have you ever been excluded, banned or blacklisted?

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Tufted Titmouse
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12 Feb 2012, 9:22 pm

Have people or situations just blown up in your face due to a lack of allies and overall support? For example, ONE person doesn't like you and then they badmouth you to everyone else, causing you to be shunned (this happened to me in high school).....And, because of the social skills deficits that being on the Autism spectrum brings, you have zero friends or allies to buffer the situation.


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12 Feb 2012, 9:39 pm

Sure, more times than I can remember. Most people have a lot of a social weaponry and little compunction against using it. If you don't have allies you're pretty well f***ed and it's going to bad for you.


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12 Feb 2012, 9:59 pm

Absolutely :( What hurts most is when the person who initiates it is someone who is actively manipulating the other people in the group too and they're not realizing it.


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12 Feb 2012, 10:06 pm

it's how i lost my medical profession.

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12 Feb 2012, 10:19 pm

Sadly, yes. :(


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12 Feb 2012, 10:52 pm

Isn't that generally how bullying works?

I've both decided to leave groups on my own because I could tell I just didn't belong and been pushed out because others decided that very same thing.

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12 Feb 2012, 11:05 pm

This happened to me several times actually .......I become a pariah at work or school. It happened to me in elementary and middle school.....and it happened to me recently at a job in a daycare center........I thought I'd escaped the bullies on the schoolyard....how wrong I was. 8O

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12 Feb 2012, 11:27 pm

Sometimes I feel left out of things because I am not part of so and so's inner circle. For example, being insulted by an organization because I was not a part of their inner circle. I do not socialize enough to get into people's inner circles. So I feel many times that I am excluded. But, I am a private person so that isn't such a bad thing.

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13 Feb 2012, 1:13 am

yep, many times and it sucks. I don't even try to get into any inner circles anymore because I just end up getting hurt. Or I end up seeing people for who they really are and it's usually not a good thing.

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13 Feb 2012, 2:36 am

Yes. I have this happen alot and people choose the liars. It doesn't stop after high school.

Snowy Owl
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13 Feb 2012, 4:30 am

I've only ever really been excluded from one group that i actually wanted to become a member of and that hurt a lot. I never felt so abandoned and couldn't even talk about it. Otherwise....

I've got temp banned a load of times for silly things on this one set of forums i post on. Like calling someone a silly head. It's a really big set of forums and the mods never read the reports people make, some ridiculously petty things get through and people abuse it.

I got banned from a few servers when i used to play this fps game. Like i got banned for seeing which words ( along with a couple of other people, it was fun) could get through the swear filter. Another time i got banned because i was playing on a server that one of the enemy teams players owned, so he kicked and banned me for killing him.

One of the 3 times i ever had what i could describe as a meltdown happened when i was in this situation where i think i became the main focus of dislike to a lot of my workmates. I basically ignored it but then they went one worse and one of the guys of their group who was in a position to tell me what to do started making things difficult for me in a very subtle way that stopped me from reporting him. He started finding faults with my work to justify extra work for me in my own time, so that the very little free time i had (talking 16 hour days, 8 hour free per day) that i really really needed for sleep was going to be taken up with something pointless that i knew and he knew was going to fail no matter the quality of my work. He was just going to drag it out and i knew that anything i reported was going to be ignored because of how sly he was being with his way of attacking me, he was making it seem like he was just doing his job. I couldn't see any escape, I wasn't bringing it on myself and although i didn't care about the way people that i didn't particularly like were treating me(im a stronger person than that), they'd found a way to get to me that i couldn't ignore, add into that pressures from home and no sleep. So i just found a room to sit and just shutdown basically.

The silly thing is that I can see what they do. They all sit together, their little group. New guy shows up, the odd behavior of not really being interested in socialising gets reported. Maybe over a period of time one or two of the group interacts with me and i say something which is taken the wrong way. Add that to my maybe cold manner. That gets reported to the group and they just start building up in their head this image that's completely influenced by this really negative way of seeing the world that nts seem to have where they want to see the worst in people.

I think a big part of my problem is that i can't talk to groups of people. I can make the group like me individually by getting to know each person one at a time, 1on1, but i ALWAYS have to go through this period of people being rude to me because i don't know how to interact in a group and getting to know everyone individually takes a while.

Last edited by The_Sleeper on 13 Feb 2012, 4:44 am, edited 2 times in total.


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13 Feb 2012, 4:42 am

Yes. When I was on my Senior week with friends from school, I suffered second degree burns from being out on the beach for approximately 1 hour (with 75spf sunblock on), so I spent most of the time inside watching TV. I was bummed that I hadn't had the opportunity to take many pictures, so one night when they all wanted to go bowling, I decided I would tag along and take pictures of them, despite being in a lot pain. They kept asking if I was sure, and I said yes, that I just needed to use the bathroom and change my shirt. When I got out of the bathroom, the condo was empty, and when I stepped out on the balcony, I saw their car driving away.

I assumed initially that they hadn't heard me say I wanted to go, so I sat down and turned the TV on. However, after a couple of minutes I noticed a folded piece of paper, and opened it to read: "Wait until she goes in the bathroom, then we'll all leave."

I was absolutely devastated. I tried to call my family to come get me, but no one would. I finally found another friend who was also on Senior week who came to pick me up...but then people back at home got involved and begged me to go back, that my friends felt really bad, etc, etc. I went back, and there was no discussion about what happened (one friend did get smashed that night and kept crying and apologizing)...but when they dropped me off at home after our trip, it was the last time I ever saw any of them. :?

I have no idea what happened or what I could have done that would have made them want to leave, and it still bothers me to this day; mostly because I've had other similar experiences (I sat home alone all day on my 21st birthday waiting for a friend to call who had asked if we could hang out on my birthday...he never called, and he's never contacted me since), and have extreme abandonment issues as a result.

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13 Feb 2012, 5:35 am

fragileclover wrote:
Yes. When I was on my Senior week with friends from school, I suffered second degree burns from being out on the beach for approximately 1 hour (with 75spf sunblock on), so I spent most of the time inside watching TV. I was bummed that I hadn't had the opportunity to take many pictures, so one night when they all wanted to go bowling, I decided I would tag along and take pictures of them, despite being in a lot pain. They kept asking if I was sure, and I said yes, that I just needed to use the bathroom and change my shirt. When I got out of the bathroom, the condo was empty, and when I stepped out on the balcony, I saw their car driving away.

I assumed initially that they hadn't heard me say I wanted to go, so I sat down and turned the TV on. However, after a couple of minutes I noticed a folded piece of paper, and opened it to read: "Wait until she goes in the bathroom, then we'll all leave."

I was absolutely devastated. I tried to call my family to come get me, but no one would. I finally found another friend who was also on Senior week who came to pick me up...but then people back at home got involved and begged me to go back, that my friends felt really bad, etc, etc. I went back, and there was no discussion about what happened (one friend did get smashed that night and kept crying and apologizing)...but when they dropped me off at home after our trip, it was the last time I ever saw any of them. :?

I have no idea what happened or what I could have done that would have made them want to leave, and it still bothers me to this day; mostly because I've had other similar experiences (I sat home alone all day on my 21st birthday waiting for a friend to call who had asked if we could hang out on my birthday...he never called, and he's never contacted me since), and have extreme abandonment issues as a result.

You should have taken all of their clothes and hygeine products home with you when you went.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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13 Feb 2012, 5:52 am

Some idiotic blogger tried to slander me, her main argument was that *I* don't know her... 8O I always get 'you don't know me' (as in, well enough) from people who lie about me, badmouth me, or misinterpret me after seeing them for a short while. This sentence is just meant to bring attention to the person who says it, clearly - just who the f**k do you think you are?

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13 Feb 2012, 7:02 am

Once, not long ago, I tried to be a member of the circle of a blogger who claims she has Asperger's and writes one of the most recognized AS blogs in my country. I wrote something childishly stupid to her privately, and as a consequence I've got no reply from her when they (the regular members) have gone private from the blog and I asked for admittance to the group. It's ironic that while I have an official ASD dx only a few of them have a dx at most (if any) as far as I know...

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13 Feb 2012, 8:29 am

I was ostracised during a school trip to Russia, when I was 15. It was the worst week of my life. A couple of girls decided it was OK to be really mean to me at every meal time, in front of everyone, and nobody spoke out against them. I was too embarrassed to speak to a teacher and cried every night, in my room , while the others socialised. My parents weren't rich, but had decided the trip was a wonderful opportunity. I didn't have the hearrt to tell them how much I regretted ever telling them that the school was planning the trip.

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