I just got a job as a nurse working in a cardiothoracic ICU... surprisingly, it seems (I might be eating my words in a few months) like it will be LESS stressful than where I'm working in the hospital now.
-I get a maximum of 2 patients, often times just 1, which allows me to focus entirely on them (currently get 3-4)
-Most of these patients are sedated and intubated (having a breathing machine breathing for them after they come back from surgery) so I don't have to talk to them
-Not to knock my current co-workers, but some of them are just plain lazy and not as interested in the nuts and bolts behind the science of what is going on physiologically with the patient; some of them will often call their patients 'freaks' (I still have to suppress a twitch and urge to slap someone who uses that word......)
- I get to stand and look at tons of monitors and lots of numbers; it seems I have a very good memory for numbers (I still remember the doses and rates of medications for my patients....from months ago). I like playing with numbers
-I get to see and learn about tons of gadgets in/on/around the patient
-I just have to talk less in general, especially since I will be working nights
-I'm not phased very much now when patients go into cardiac arrest where I work now- there is an initial surge of adrenaline (it feels realllllly good) and then get very calm and systematic, choosing a role to help people with. I will be doing this a lot where I will be working now because people are so sick. These people are already pretty much dead, so there isn't a whole lot to lose
-I was very happy during the interview when she asked me if I was detail oriented (I am so much so that it is almost a handicap); I responded with a gigantic grin and, 'well, let me tell you a few stories..."
-If I had to stay where I worked now, I think I would quit... it is so very taxing socializing with people... where I'm going, I think I would be more comfortable stimming if I needed to get rid of stress (less people will see)
Hoping that this will be better for an aspie nurse.....
"Finding beauty in the dissonance... watch the weather change"