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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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25 Feb 2012, 4:29 pm

Just did my first ever post but I had enclosed a desperate you tube link and I had a message saying I need to post 5 posts... argh!

I am formally diagnosed with aspergers and dyspraxia (2010) born deaf, clinical depression and possible ADHD Currently experiencing EXTREME discrimination and victimisation in England, South Yorkshire. My 75 yo Mum had heart attack on Christmas Eve, Dad died on 2nd Feb 2009. I've personally tried to get help from 26 solicitors but get unlawfully blocked, fobbed off, discriminated every time. My Mum tries her best on the phone but of late the stress breaks her down almost every time.

I had done a much better post on my first one. Please can an emergency exception be made please as I would not do this if I were not desperate.

Allen Vincent.


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25 Feb 2012, 4:36 pm

An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or environment.

If such a situation exists for you, then you would be best off to contact your local emergency service providers.


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25 Feb 2012, 4:42 pm

What kind of help are you looking/hoping for?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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25 Feb 2012, 4:51 pm

To Fnord My Mum doesn't want that as she is scared she'll be taken into care and Mum is all I have at the moment.

To Marcia That is a difficult question for me but I know Mum and I need to be empowered. I'm trying also to expose extreme vulnerable adult abuse by many public authorities in England, because of this deaf communication aid I use, "type talk", my version can be used akin to MSN and it records verbatim what is being said and is saved and printed verbatim.... I appear to be one of the first disabled in England to make a discrimination county court claim and the "system" is not at all happy. Everything has become very complex and I was even unlawfully sacked from a good job in 2010 when I was diagnosed with aspergers and dyspraxia. One of the video's I want to should is South Yorkshire Police harassing my Mum and I at my house after I made a Police complaint, the day after two mental health men came to my house and just wanted me to admit I am "crazy", for this reason I've relied heavily on cogent facts and logic that cannot be misinterpreted.

I really need permission to add my you tube link please as they will visually explain a lot to. I'm only doing all this because I am desperate.



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25 Feb 2012, 4:51 pm

My advise to you would be to make 5 post. Doesn't have to be fancy; a reply of "I agree" on 4 more threads would do it. Alternatively you could type out the address to the video you want to show. Aside from that, if you've been screwed over so many times you may consider contacting a newspaper or tv news station and tell them your story about how you've been f****d over. You'd be surprised at how effective this can be.


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25 Feb 2012, 4:59 pm

Hi Allen,
We're here to support you. What you're dealing with sounds really hard and it sounds like you have some valid complaints. Keep posting so you can post your video if that will help. We're here for you and care about what you're going through.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Feb 2012, 5:00 pm

To Rascal77s I've tried to contact many papers i.e The Guardian, The Mail, Daily Mirror..... bbc news, panorama, itv news, so many but somehow keep getting blocked. Partially because of how my county court claim was unlawfully shut down and I've refused to stay under the carpet.... They even stopped my Mum's care at my house, crazy times. Many charities involved to as I have them discriminating in it's many forms on my deaf system before they realised my calls are recorded, since then it's almost as if I am blacklisted as anyone helping me in England would mean in a way hurting themselves to as I've managed to "see" many flaws i.e. "indirect discriminations" in how disabled and vulnerable people get blocked when they try to get real robust help. Under my you tube video's I explain a lot more but there is some distressing scenes as one of the video's is me last year when at my Mum's house, just a few seconds after I vomited as I was terrified but gone way past that now. Just feels like a race against time to have a victory before Mum dies as I know that would give Mum a good psychological boost. I've even had a community care solicitor confirm in writing what's happening to me is against the law but then even she shut down on me! When you guys do see the video's, I want to add I was not always this extreme or desperate but feel I have been manipulated to this extreme point.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Feb 2012, 5:29 pm

Thank you for your kind words Eigerpere.

Just managed to get a profile photo up. That's the type of strong determined person I used to be. My personality has been ripped apart the last 2 few years, everything has been relentless and unresolved.


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25 Feb 2012, 5:31 pm

I found youtube videos quite easily by searching your username.

Get in touch with a guy called Robert Green. ... ie-greig--

"Been there, done that, got the t-shirt"
- CosmicRuss


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25 Feb 2012, 7:42 pm

I watched some of your videos, and share several of your problems with disgustingly unprofessional support workers, but I noticed what seems to have been a genuine misunderstanding in the video with the police at your door.

They said that your mother had reported your increased agitation and anxiety, and expressed the belief that there was some kind of danger, and that they had come to make sure that she was safe. She told them that she didn't make any calls like that, but one of your other videos shows that she actually did, when she dialed 999.

She did call them expressing concerns about your increased agitation and anxiety, while crying in fear and finding it difficult to speak. To someone on the other end of the emergency line, who didn't fully understand the situation, it may have genuinely sounded like she was afraid of you, rather than afraid for you.

I'm not trying to say you're paranoid and imagining things, not at all, just that there was probably a mutual misunderstanding about this part, so you might be worrying more than you need to be about this one issue. I know it doesn't diminish any of your other problems, but it might at least be a small weight off your mind to consider that the policewoman wasn't intentionally lying.

I'm not saying they never do, of course they do, but on that day it doesn't seem like that was what was happening. I know that if it was me I'd be a bit relieved to notice that.


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25 Feb 2012, 11:34 pm

I'm not a psych professional or a lawyer - just a law student and airman. But I'm going to give it my best shot.

I'm seeing a lot of panic here - no doubt about it. So much I have no understanding of what you're saying. I can understand why. You're in a really tough situation. But all panic will do in the end is make the situation worse.

I know this is hard - really hard. I'm recommending you take some deep breaths and try to give yourself a little pause. It is so easy, in the heat of battle to focus on only a couple of factors instead of pausing to look at the whole picture.

Instead of hitting the beaurocracy with a frontal assault, perhaps slipping around the flank at night may be more productive? I know nothing (happily) of England's social service system. I would go there and kindly ask for some direction.

Concerning solicitors and barrasters, I'm looking at this through their eyes not just as legal professionals but as businessmen. The fact of the matter is, they, like everyone else, need to make money to survive. Therefore, if a case is going to be more of a legal bill than what they think you can afford or pay off, they will more than likely turn the case down. Is it necessarily fair - no. When I did tax advocacy - finances always came into consideration because I had my own bills, (office rent, hired help, etc. to pay) and yes, that had to come into consideration first or I, in the end, could help no one. It may not be fair, but it is an unavoidable reality.

And it scares me - because there are a number of people in the USA who want what Britain has. And I see this and it confirms why I don't want it (among other reasons).

I will keep you in my prayers. May God help you.


Supporter of the Brian Terry Foundation @ Special Agent Brian Terry (1970-2010) was murdered as a direct result of Operation Fast & Furious - which Barry O won't discuss - wonder why?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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26 Feb 2012, 3:15 am

For ComicRuss, Invader and Longshanks this is my forth attempt to respond, my last 3 failed due to mentioning the short word for web page address......

I wish I could already put the web page addresses in the right order so that there is no confusion. Yes I was worried my speech would be to bad for some to understand and there's nothing I can do about that as I am already trying to be as clear as I can be.

I want to send an easy 8 paged copy of how my deaf recorded system works and prints verbatim as this is a big part of the shut down Mum and I receive so please email those that want to see it. Four more days till I can explain in here properly but please don't disregard the fact that Mum and I have been unlawfully manipulated to this cruel and extreme point.


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26 Feb 2012, 4:13 am

I understood what you were saying, I just think there was a different kind of communication problem with the police at the door. They just seemed to have gotten the wrong idea about what your mother was saying during the 999 call. They seemed to mistake her fear for both of your wellbeing as only being fear for her own safety, because they were unfamiliar with the full story. I don't think they specifically meant to cause you trouble on that day, or that they were there on behalf of your abusers.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're not being abused by anyone, I do know what these people can be like, it just looks like that one event in particular was an innocent mistake on their part.

If you have a transcript available for both videos, you should see that your mother did say all the things in her 999 call that the police woman told you she said to them, they just interpreted her words to mean the wrong thing. The police left and seemed rather angry because they probably thought that your mother just didn't remember the call, or was wasting their time with false reports, because she denied it on account of their misinterpretation of it.

If you can see that officer again, and maybe show her the video of the 999 call, and the video that the officer was in, you could try to explain that there was a misunderstanding about what the call meant. Your mother was concerned for both of your wellbeing in the absense of help, and was worried about that support agency wrongfully getting you arrested, but the police took it to mean that she was fearful for her own safety because of your increased agitation. If you explain the misunderstanding rather than accusing her of lying about the call, she might be more willing to listen to you without just walking away in a bad mood.

I don't know the rest of your history with that officer though, maybe she is a really bad one who has caused you other problems, or maybe you're no longer trying to pursue help down that avenue, but if that was your only encounter with her then straightening that confusion out might help get her to listen, instead of thinking she was called out for nothing.

I think I repeated myself a lot here, and made a few typos and stuff, but eh, I've been awake for a long time. I hope you can get some of this sorted out to reduce the stress a little.

Edit: I just got your message about this being a separate occasion. My mistake.

It would definitely seem like someone is telling lies about you then. You're not the only one this has happened to either, I'm no stranger to it myself.


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26 Feb 2012, 5:05 am

I'm not being funny or anything but none of your videos looked like you guys were being harassed. It certainly didn't look like an emergency. Rethink don't deal with Aspergers, that's been well known for years. The sad fact is that there are no services in the UK for people like us. I have been put in a care home as a result, although I am not complaining because I get the help and care I need here. I am not, however just fobbing you off. I am going to write a letter complaining about the treatment (or lack of) that I received from the Council and mental health teams/charities in my area. Things do need to change.

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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26 Feb 2012, 6:09 am

Invader thanks for correction.

Jellybean I shall try my best to compact this complex mess and the term "unlawful acts" will cover a wide range of terminologies. Approx Jan 2010 Aspergers Nurses Ruth Griffiths & Michelle Byer had a meeting at my house, straight away they were like Allen we can't believe you've not been support and you do have aspergers but upon formal diagnoses we shall sort your life out (all great so far) then unlawful acts ensued, formally diagnosed April 2010 but because I had made a complaint against Ruth Griffiths, of which the majority upheld in my favour, she became indignant and I was unlawfully referred elsewhere. Tried to get help from Doncaster Advocacy, they put me on waiting list (no problem with that) but when I asked for written prove I was on the waiting list, they denied I had phoned them and denied I was put on a waiting list....This is where I get the upper hand as all my calls are recorded so I could prove they were lying, complained to Doncaster Council with copies of the transcripts, Doncaster Council covered it up. Was then manipulated to Doncaster Community Adult Learning Disability Team, of which I was assured an aspergers/deaf personal assistant/support worker within TEN days approx June 2010 a LOT of unlawful acts then ensued from CALDT. All this is also linked to Doncaster NHS and RDASH... A community care solicitor has already confirmed in writing that what is happening to Mum and I is illegal but even the solicitor shut down on us.... Was then manipulated to Doncaster MIND (horrific times) who then manipulated me to RETHINK and the video of rethinks meeting at my house on 22.12.2011 clearly shows verbal agreement to offer services from 3rd Jan 2012 but my Mum had her heart attack on 24.12.2011 Extra support to take into account my Mum's heart attack was insinuated via type talk but then 2 days later ALL support was unlawfully withdrawn before it even started. I've tried complaints but get ignored and in any event many complaints processes are unlawful under Equality Act 2010 as they are to difficult and oppressive when reasonable adjustments are not made. All the main public authorities in England are on my deaf recorded system doing unlawful acts i.e. roughly Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Parlimentary & Health Ombudsman (PHSO), Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) Many charities i.e. National Autistic Society, Citizens Advice (Doncaster, Canterbury & Dover), County Court staff and management (Doncaster, Sheffield & Canterbury). My Mum's care whilst at my house in Doncaster has unlawfully stopped on 13.2.2012 the same day the Police came to my house (I called them last year to report vulnerable adult abuse but they were like yeah yeah yeah and do nothing) The day after 13.1.2012 RDASH send to mental health men to my house, they ONLY wanted me to admit I am "crazy" thankfully Mum was strong on this day and put them right. Now we have a total shut down. This really is a grave scandal and it is one that I can prove due to my recorded calls. I also appear to be the first disabled to make an "unassisted" disability discrimination claim under the Equality Act 2010, although originally allowed it was shut down by further unlawful acts. Part of my urgency is to get that breakthrough before my Mum dies as logically only need one brick to fall from the wall and the rest will come tumbling down, hence the severity of the oppression, discrimination, denials of service and victimisation we face.


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26 Feb 2012, 9:49 am ... tacts/5630

Referral: Via GP or Psychiatrist or single point of access team on 01302 565556
(Please note that you cannot refer yourself directly to this service)

We are now Disability Rights UK – formed through a merger of Disability Alliance, Radar and National Centre for Independent Living on 1st January 2012. We aim to be the largest national pan-disability organisation led by disabled people. ... -equality/

Radar does not provide advice to individuals or take up individuals’ legal cases.

Radar has merged with two other disability organizations. They are now Disability Rights UK. The legal process in the UK offers mediation under certain conditions. On a technicality, you might be able to sit down with someone and get your situation sorted out. IF you remain cool, calm, and cease with the lawsuits. The problem is obvious. You are filing complaints and suing ALL the people THAT you need help from AND they are all tied together. ... ourts.html

Your brief exchange ............ I can easily see how this could have become an unpleasant situation. Unfortunately, society will not take into consideration that you have Aspergers....
