I still get a lot of guidance and support from my Mum, but she's let me make my own mistakes my whole life, and I'm glad. She'd tell me things like "You're going to get hurt if you jump off the top bunk of your brothers bed," but if I chose to say "No I won't!" She wouldn't stop me, but she'd be there to kiss the bo bo's and tell me she only says things like that because they're true, not because she doesn't want me to have fun. She would ALWAYS explain when she would put her foot down and say no to something, and if I broke rules, I had consequences (she never once hit us, and we respect her.. Us being me and my siblings.) Even if she doesn't agree with a decision I make, as long as it's not a life threatening one, she'll voice her opinions and then support me 100% A lot of them have been successful, and some haven't. I've known really smothering parents who have horribly behaved kids (some are adults now) and some parents who were barely in their kids lives with the same reaction.. I think my Mum had the right mix of firm guidance, tough love, and giving us the freedom we needed as kids and teens.
I'm lucky to have my Mum and I tell people every chance I get lol.