Okay, ive been wondering this for awhile... I find that a lot of people with aspergers found it easier to talk to adults, or to befriend adults rather then younger children, almost felt like they were on the adults level as a child, and I found most classic autistics or pdds rather found they were on a level as a child much younger then them, felt like it was easier to befriend a much younger child
Like for instance, me had no interest what so ever in any kind of human contact, but when i was in contact, hated adults, but loooved hanging around kids much much much younger then me, felt like I was one of them, like if I was 8, I would fit in with the toddler crowd!
Even today I still find it easier being around kids, i'm not very intellectual haha, so talking about nonsense works for me
Now is this true, do most aspies as children find it easer to talk to adults, while most classic auties/pdds find it easier to be around younger children
There were times I could only understand extremely young kids (In grade 8, my best friend was in grade 3), and times where my only friends were my teachers