I've noticed this lately. Everything people say to me evetualy starts sounding like gibberish. I pretend to listen but in reality I can't understand what they are saying. I don't really watch TV or Youtube, as opposed to listning to it. Almost everything on YouTube is just a talking head so I don't think looking at them is going to help me understand them anybetter. My favorite program, Coast to Coast AM is a radio show anyway and when someone posts an eppisode to YouTube they usualy just have the logo or a picture of an alien. Anyway, no matter what I listen too, I notice it eventualy starts to sound like gibberish. In everyday life, I feel like I am in the Sims game when people start to speak. I never felt like English was my first language and didn't learn to speak until I was five. I've been watching some Japanese cartoons and have even picked up a litlte bit of the language; I'm not not fluent in any way, I have just been able to pick up on a few words. English is such a "prickly" language whereas Japanese words are "smooth", I think it's got something to do with most of the words ending in vouls. Even as a kid, I would always turn the closed captining on so I read what was being said. Hearing the exact same thing I was reading just seemed to make it click in my brain as opposed to one or the other.
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.