b00m3rang wrote:
It's all guesswork with Psychiatrists. My last doctor (before I moved) was an MD, and he prescribed all my psych meds. He actually had a fairly good plan of action to find out what works for a patient, unlike every psychiatrist I've ever been to. He even wrote a book. My new doctor in the state I moved to won't give me one of the medications that I'd been on for years, because he says it contradicts one of my other meds. So I live my life in a fog. It's really starting to suck. I'm about to find another Dr. It's hard for me to get stuff like that done, though.
That's kind of what I advocate as an alternative, just seeing a regular MD who has some horse sense. Of course, it's each person's choice, but I think this is a perfectly reputable alternative.
Especially for such things as antidepressant medication where I've read that it's hit and miss, and thus trial and error in a reputable sense, anyway.
http://articles.latimes.com/2009/aug/03 ... ug-choice3
(And even for an antidepressant that doesn't seem to be working sometimes still important to phase down in stages.)
http://articles.latimes.com/2009/aug/03 ... ing-drugs3
I wish you all the best in restablishing a combo of medication which works for you. You have a right to a second opinion or even third opinion. (They may contradict in a real, substantial way, or maybe just as an occasional long-shot side effect and he's being overly cautious, or there may be a way to monitor whether they're going to have a bad effect together.)