Candles15 wrote:
I always have conversations with myself
I usually do it when I need to make a decision about something and my personality splits in half and I argue with myself until I come to a conclusion. Other times I go in to day dreams, where I'm me and my mind is someone else and we have a conversation that I imagined in my head.
Me too, but it has become more stronger this days, today I have been pacing and day dreaming at my bedroom almost the whole day. I get good answers from that conversations, sometimes I write them down. I don't move my lips, the only problem I have is that people thing I'm staring to something or someone instead of the air.
Candles15 wrote:
Now this is sort of weird; Talking to myself has gotten so bad, When I'm feeling down, my mind starts telling myself jokes from the past to cheer me up.
I should try that.
Candles15 wrote:
Also I never look at myself as "me", I always see myself in second person.
In my mind I use to refer to me as "we" or "you" more often than "I".