I don't rock or fidget much, instead, I hold my fingers to my lips almost constantly and rub them (right now), smelling my fingers at the same time. I like to smell my wrists and touch them with my nose, too. I have a lot of hair on my forearms... I also rub my ears, eyebrows, cheeks with my hands, pinch myself gently or grab my feet. Sometimes I'd jump or leap on my toes and utter some kind of 'jibberish'. I do it mostly in the morning. I like to play with objects at my hands, a pen, a tooth-pick, spin them. I very often bite my lower lip, gently.
I like to sit in the chair curled-up or put my feet on the table and push myself. If the chair can spin, I like to swing it left-right.
There are visual stims, too. Looking at the same figure, pattern, picture, object over and over again. Sometimes I see cartoon-like animals in irregular patterns, I love them.
Another non-English speaking - DX'd at age 38
"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam." (Hannibal) - Latin for "I'll either find a way or make one."