katwithhat wrote:
I'm headed to my doctor today for a few of reason but the AS diagnosis referral is #2. I have printed out all of my tests and made a 2 page list of why I know I have this. She has all ready told me that I shouldn't pursue this diagnosis because there is not treatment for it, is this true? There is absolutely nothing that can help? I'd love to go back to work and maybe if I could have some help with a doctor of sorts and maybe some communication training, I could actually do it. Any feedback is appreciated.
There is no treatment for aspergers. However, there are various therapies that could help you cope better. If you'd have to pay for diagnosis as well as for whatever therapeutical help you feel you would benefit from, perhaps a formal diagnosis can wait till after other help, if you're still wanting diagnosis at that time?
Before I first went to my doctor re AS I was advised only to talk about AS at that meeting, and not to present any other health issues. If AS is raised with anything else it may just be dismissed or missed while they deal with the other.
I hope your meeting with the doctor goes well