Hey Spencer!! Great to see you here! That's funny, I've gotten along well with autistic people before (both online, where one was one of my best friends, to in-person.) I fear we'd be getting off-topic if I went on though, so if you wanna start a thread about this elsewhere, send me the link. Or we can just chat later.
Nim wrote:
My copays to the psy doubled due to a diagnosis as a "genetic" condition. But besides that I've never really had it held against me. I lost good insurance and now have a horrible united plan due to my company having horrible money saving skills.
I believe my copay may have been 30 for the psy.
Gah, it's so stupid to charge more for something being "genetic". Are they allowed to make tall people pay more? How about black people? Women? I can't read about this idea without thinking it's a kind of accepted form of discrimination. Isn't EVERYONE prone to certain conditions more than others due to their genetic makeup? Why is this fair?
... Haha, ranting to my boyfriend about this . He's just laughing and saying, "This is what all the clamors for health reform have been about!" He also says women used to have to pay more... because we might have babies...
What crap!
Sweetleaf wrote:
The healthcare system in this country is so screwed up......and I had better stop there or that rant will never end.
*Sigh* You and me both, sister...