For me personally I would not want to change. Aspergers is a strength a means to success.
1. Focus
Your ability to focus on one objective over long periods of time without becoming distracted allows you to accomplish large and challenging tasks.
2. Unique Global Insights
Your ability to find novel connections among multi-disciplinary facts and ideas allows you to create new, coherent, and meaningful insights that others would not have reached without you.
3. Independent Thinking
Your willingness to consider unpopular or unusual possibilities generates new options and opportunities and can pave the way for others.
4. Internal Motivation
Rather than being swayed by social convention, other's opinions, social pressure or fears, you can hold firm to your own purpose. Your unique ideas can thrive, despite naysayers.
5. Attention To Detail
Your ability to remember and process minute details without getting lost or overwhelmed gives you a distinct advantage when solving complex problems.
6. 3-Dimensional Thinking
Your ability to utilize 3-dimensional visioning gives you a unique perspective when designing and creating solutions.
7. Cutting Through The Smoke Screen
Your ability to recognize and speak the truth that is being "conveniently" ignored by others can be vital to the success of a project or endeavor.
8. Logical Decision Making
Your ability to make logical and rational decisions and stick to your course of action without being swayed by impulse or emotional reactions allows you to navigate successfully through difficult situations without being pulled off-course.
And here are 40
People with Aspergers:
are excited about the world around them with a zest and hunger for learning
are fascinated by facts and dates
are frequent victims of social weaknesses of others, while steadfast in the belief of the possibility of genuine friendship
are loyal with impeccable dependability
are often very perceptive
are often original with unique perspective in problem solving
are persistence of thought
are physically beautiful
are seekers of truth, conversation free of hidden meaning or agenda
are sensitive to specific sensory experiences and stimuli, for example: hearing, touch, vision, and/or smell
are the "social unsung hero" with trusting optimism
are truthful to a fault, blurting out the first thing that pops into their mind, speaking things the rest of us think but would be too polite to say – and because of their innocence it's probably going to be accepted better than if it came from another mouth
avoid "ritualistic small talk" or socially trivial statements and superficial conversation
can hear things normal people can't hear
can memorize lines from movies
can spend days in their room reading children's encyclopedias
have a great consideration of details
have a rare freshness and sense of wonderment
have a rote memory and an overall good memory
have a sweet innocence about them
have an encyclopedic or "CD ROM" knowledge of one or more topics
have avid perseverance in gathering and cataloging information on a topic of interes
have clarity of values/decision making unaltered by political or financial factors
have enthusiasm for unique interests and topics
have exceptional memory and recall of details often forgotten or disregarded by others, for example: names, dates, schedules, routines
have knowledge of routines and a focused desire to maintain order and accuracy
have narrow, yet highly focused interests
have outside interests like reading about weather instead of learning what they're learning in school
have strength in individual sports and games, particularly those involving endurance or visual accuracy, including rowing, swimming, bowling, chess
have the ability to pursue personal theory or perspective despite conflicting evidence
have the amazing ability to absorb facts easily in their brains
listen without continual judgment or assumption
live in the present, and don't hold grudges
often have advanced vocabulary and interest in words
often have the ability to regard others at "face value
see things differently than others
seek sincere, positive, genuine friends with an unassuming sense of humor
speak their mind irrespective of social context or adherence to personal beliefs
take everything literal and are usually unprejudiced
they remember lot of things about their life, both past and present