Auditory Integration Therapy, Systematic Desensitization The

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10 Mar 2012, 6:51 pm


I have bad hypersensitivity to sound, any sudden or prolonged noise that I wasn't expecting reallly gets on my nerves. In fact it sets off my fight or flight response. The thing is I'm still kinda young and I don't want to have to put up with it the rest of my life. So, do either Auditory Integration Therapy or Systematic Desensitization work? Otherwise, has anyone else got any ideas? I've read on-line that things like earplugs are actually counter-productive. My area is Belfast County Borough, at least I think that's what it's called.

There are people who drive round my area in performance cars with big/wide bore exhausts quite a few times nearly every day and they don't care what time they do it at either. I don't think they're going to stop! Maybe local government could set-up "quiet zones" for autistic people.

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10 Mar 2012, 7:06 pm

Depending on your age, Auditory Integration Therapy might work if you have the money to do it. As for Systematic Desensitization you could research it and posible dot it your self on your own time for how ever long it takes you to get used to the sounds that bother you.


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10 Mar 2012, 7:12 pm

Thanks. I'm in my late 20s, how expensive is AIT?


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11 Mar 2012, 12:26 am

I don't know how much Auditory Integration Therapy would cost because I don't live in Ireland. Although I would like to visit Ireland some time. How fare are you from Dublin?


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11 Mar 2012, 6:07 am

Hmm, ... n_training. That's hardly a glowing review.

Save your sanity and give it a wide birth. If it worked it would be proven and licensed for use easily enough.

It's fast, cheap and easy. So it's definitely ticking my skeptical brain. It's for this reason that people are prepared to give it a go.

Try not to damage your hearing if you go through with it. Maybe that's how it works for some people though ;)



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12 Mar 2012, 3:40 pm

Thanks for the replies. From what I've read briefly on-line systematic desensitization involves the association of "happy mental images", with the sounds that you're sensitive to. Therefore I have my doubts about its effectiveness because it sounds like sugar-coating the hypersensitivity rather than curing it. I remain open-minded though incase it works. As for AIT, I like the way it's a scientific method but I don't want to damage my hearing. Oh I wish there was something concrete!

Just there now I've thought of Desensitization as "retraining my mind" so it might work. It would be hard to do and take a long time but if it works and I have the rest of my life without hypersensitivity, at least to sound, then it would be worth it. One of the only things left would be to learn to talk in shorter sentences! :lol:

I'm about 3 hours from Dublin, as I was remined of recently on my way to and from Dublin airport, (holiday to New Zealand). I'm very close to Belfast though, the capital of Northern Ireland.

Oh and I'm not exactly clueless btw, it's just a confidence thing. I'll have to add that to my signature.


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12 Mar 2012, 4:53 pm

I like the way it's a scientific method

It's not, any sort of proof is lacking: ... x/abstract ... ER_2003(17).pdf



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15 Mar 2012, 3:50 pm

OK so AIT is not highly respected but as I still hopefully have a good bit of my life left I want to find a permanent solution asap. I think systematic desensitization would have its limits due to unpredictable noises, as far as the regular noises go though, I might give it a try. Would you recommend it?

edited due to accidental bad typing - and it was accidental!


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15 Mar 2012, 3:58 pm

I'm sure some targeted therapy with the actual noises that bother you, could help. It's worth a try.
