Can any of you turn off your emotions

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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15 Mar 2012, 4:41 am

I think I've had this skill for many years,but when I was younger I was often subject to violent outbursts and fits of depression.

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15 Mar 2012, 4:47 am

Belfast wrote:
No, I cannot turn off my emotions "at will". At times I'll be overwhelmed & my expression of emotions may stall out or shut down-because I just can't take any more. Could appear that I'm not experiencing emotions, but they continue roiling inside-my ability to verbalize & think articulately can't keep up with my feelings.
Some things that are cause for strong emotion in others aren't things that are meaningful to me, so I don't have reaction (beyond boredom) in the first place.

This is similiar to me. Sadly I cannot turn my emotions off.


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15 Mar 2012, 4:50 am

Yep, that is how I don't get offended. That is how I don't feel remorse. I hate those feelings so I turn them off. That is how I get rid of guilt too. I also learned to use it on my anxiety too and I have less meltdowns because of it.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Mar 2012, 2:43 pm

Most of the time, I wish I could turn mine ON...

I get tired of being like an android sometimes. :(


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15 Mar 2012, 3:01 pm

Wolfpup wrote:
I seem to have a natural defense (possibly totally normal) where if I have a reason to experience horrible loss/sadness I sometimes just don't feel anything, or anything in regards to it. It basically switches off, but I can't control it (I'm assuming it's the "time heals all wounds" thing, except the pain is still really there, I can just not actively deal with it all the time).

I think I work like that, too.

I don't feel anything or not much about bad things that happened to me in life, except for those rare moments where emotions come over me in very extreme waves.


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15 Mar 2012, 7:14 pm

I wish I could. It'd be mighty handy.


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15 Mar 2012, 7:20 pm

I found the "OFF" switch long ago..
But that restart is more than a switch or button being pushed. And when they return, they usually cause a power surge!



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15 Mar 2012, 7:41 pm

Can any of you turn off your emotions ?

I suspect that some Autists can immerse themselves in their inner world while functioning in the outer world. It gives an appearance of being emotionally cut off from the world( and in some cases it is).

It's like hyper focusing, internally.


Sea Gull
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15 Mar 2012, 8:13 pm

No, I cannot turn off my emotions "at will". At times I'll be overwhelmed & my expression of emotions may stall out or shut down-because I just can't take any more. Could appear that I'm not experiencing emotions, but they continue roiling inside-my ability to verbalize & think articulately can't keep up with my feelings.

^This is EXACTLY me. I have trained myself to appear pokerfaced and emotionless when in stressful situations where I don't know how to act or respond, or when I don't know if my emotions are appropriate to show. This mostly happens when I get very overwhelmed and am crying and shouting for help inside, but sometimes it occurs with joy, excitement, ANGER, and others... just because my emotions are not showing does not mean they are not tormenting me from the inside.

I am getting better at letting them out with people that I am comfortable with, and i certainly feel better and can avoid meltdowns when i do, but I still close up in most situations that i am uncomfortable with.

Diagnosed HFA as of April 2014. I thought that achieving testing would conclude the he journey, but alas, it's only the beginning!