Anyone else able to rationalize/control emotions completely?

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Emu Egg
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17 Mar 2012, 4:16 pm

For as long as I can remember I've been a pretty emotionless person in public, I always had an idea that showing emotions was weak.
Now, in the last few years, as I've become more educated and aware of human brain mechanisms, psychology (the areas that aren't pseudo), I've begun to feel like I might just be the most logical person in the world.

I can rationalize and discard almost any emotion I feel right away, because I know exactly what's causing it. Mind you, I still can't ignore the feelings (although that's getting better) of low self-esteem, and my inferiority with social situations as it seems it's so ****ing deep-rooted in me.

I feel a sense of pride of not letting anything get to me, and I'm starting to have views about myself as superior (although I still have low confidence) because I simply don't submit to any primitive thoughts/emotions these days, except vital ones like eating, sleeping obviously.

I'm becoming more and more asexual as I've even begun rationalizing my sexuality because I know it's something primitive that's hard-wired into me.

I've never had much empathy for anyone except my family, but it's gotten to the point where I honestly find tragedies like murders on the news "entertaining", because 'finally' something exciting is happening in the world. I'm also finding myself fantazising about killing people I know more & more often, simply because I find life boring, redundant and predictable. I would never do it, but that's mostly because I'm afraid of getting caught. I'm not interested in a life behind bars as there's alot more stuff I want to see and experience.
I'm disgusted that I feel this way, but I can't deny these thoughts coming up increasingly often.

At this point I feel like life is essentially all about having more of the positive chemicals flowing through my brain. That's the only thing I'm focused on right now.

I am very well aware that I sound completely deluded and insane, but I'm not. I understand my emotions and biology, and it irritates me. Sometimes I wish I'd been born a bit dumber, haha.

Anyways, thanks for reading. No one will probably read all of this, coupled with the fact that I'm not good at expressing whatever thoughts/emotions I do have left inside me.


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17 Mar 2012, 4:26 pm

Yes. honestly.

When I was a kid I was pretty much the same way and was even called "cold-hearted" at a young age, BUT, back then I still didn't know that the emotions I still did have weren't "real" if you will. I hope I don't stir up sh*t by saying that.

Basically I choose what I feel. When I hit 18 or so I started to realize that life could be anything I wanted it to be and I could choose my mood each day and do whatever I wanted. That any feelings I'd had in the past really had no significant impact on who I was as a person and that I could basically change my entire persona at any time.

All of that said though, this isn't possible for all people on the spectrum or even just weirdos on the edge of it like me AND there's no reason this is a "better" way of being. People have feelings for a reason. Maybe what I see as feelings aren't "real" but that doesn't mean my state of existence is more real than anyone else.

I understand that people enjoy having feelings and don't think that anybody needs to turn them off or anything.

And I still would react with genuine emotion to a few things, death of a loved one, etc.





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17 Mar 2012, 4:28 pm

I didn't read the part about killing people before.

(reading fail).

LOL that's insane just so you know...I mean, to each his own.





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17 Mar 2012, 4:42 pm

Contain would be a better word than control. To say that I have something of a temper problem would be to say that the sun is a little hot. My rage issues are almost legendary with my family. But I don't think they know just how little of it they see. Nine times out of ten, when I'm feeling psychotic rage and wanting to punch something or someone as hard as I can, nobody knows it because I'm as calm as can be on the outside.

Emu Egg
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24 Mar 2012, 11:55 pm

I can relate to this completely I thought being a man was showing no emotion, I haven't cried since maybe twelve I'll never admit anything is wrong I'll never tell someone that what they did bothered me I attribute feeling towards girls solely to lust and I look at everything with a logical intellectual mind. I try my hardest to make sure my emotions play no part in my life. and of course I have no self esteem due to repeated social failures and inability to talk to and go out with girls I find attractive. If something bothers me i tell myaelf i dont care until i dont or i continue to ignore the problem or obsess over how i could fix it in a logical practical way. I honestly feel like if my life was threatened I could take a humans life and feel nothing. And I would not have any issue seriously hurting some people that I have it out for. The only emotion I allow myself to feel is anger since it is acceptable for a man to be a hothead. That's how it is unless I fall into a depression and I can't help but feel sad and hopeless for a while until I toughen myself up and force myself to not care and feel those emotions.

So ya I know that feel bro.


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25 Mar 2012, 1:33 am

I understand what you say, however I can't rationalize my emotions all the time, I forget that is possible and I get trapped by them again, like when you dream and don't remember you are dreaming.
I think is good to control emotions, but the next step is to control your mind so you only rationalize them when is necessary, and enjoy them when you can, otherwise your submitting to your thoughts.


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25 Mar 2012, 2:30 am

I tried it. It was a very bad idea because suppressing all of that just took too much energy, raised stress levels through the roof, and gave me a nice handy little depressive episode.

OP, consider that other people also want to experience more of life; if you killed them, they could not do that, and it would not be fair. One doesn't need emotion to have a sense of ethics. Have you considered studying philosophy to try to understand moral questions like "why would it be wrong to murder people?" rationally, instead of emotionally?

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25 Mar 2012, 9:36 am

I thought it was normal not to show your emotions in public, especially when you're on your own. If I show the slightest little bit of emotion, I get funny looks all the time. For example, if my bus is coming and I see my favourite bus-driver is driving it today, I have to be careful not to whisper ''yes!'' under my breath, or not even smile to myself. I have to always stay cool and calm until it's clear that we're both in eachother's sight.

Or if I'm feeling miserable or bad about something, I have to try all my hardest not to let it show. I can't even frown. You have to put on this neutral expression all the time. It's difficult.


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25 Mar 2012, 11:04 am

I learned to completely shut off my emotions when I was really young. I normally keep them at a low level, but if I start to get really mad (which happens a lot when I talk to the semi-litterate morons I go to school with) I can completely shut that section of my mind off


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25 Mar 2012, 11:09 am

Macimate wrote:
I can rationalize and discard almost any emotion I feel right away, because I know exactly what's causing it. Mind you, I still can't ignore the feelings (although that's getting better) of low self-esteem, and my inferiority with social situations as it seems it's so ****ing deep-rooted in me.

I rationalise my emotions in the same way as you. I hardly ever feel angry or sad, because these feelings are very easy to get rid of using logic.

However, emotions based on fear are much harder to get rid of. No matter how much rationalising you do, you will probably never feel free to do something crazy like run naked down the street. Thats because we are hard wired to obey social conventions and not embarass ourselves - not doing so would have been very dangerous in more primitive societies; you would probably have been executed or left to die. This is why you will not easily be able to get rid of self-conciousness in social situations, its a basic self -preservation mechanism.

Macimate wrote:

I've never had much empathy for anyone except my family, but it's gotten to the point where I honestly find tragedies like murders on the news "entertaining", because 'finally' something exciting is happening in the world. I'm also finding myself fantazising about killing people I know more & more often, simply because I find life boring, redundant and predictable. I would never do it, but that's mostly because I'm afraid of getting caught. I'm not interested in a life behind bars as there's alot more stuff I want to see and experience.

These thoughts are not unusual, and IMO there's nothing particularly shocking or morally wrong with them. People just don't feel empathy for people on TV. Otherwise, people would give a lot of their money to charity, instead of spending it on unneccessary comforts.


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25 Mar 2012, 11:16 am

For the most part yeah. I know we all can't control our emotions at times so we let them get in the way. Like my anxiety for example.

I find emotions to be very alien. People do illogical things and I realize it may be due to emotions. Like I once read online that these people sent our these Babyshower invitations for someone and it had a word play joke in there and people found it offensive. I think they were all over reacting. People in that thread were saying they wouldn't go and I was like if the person having the baby shower had nothing to do with it, why is it fair for them that they should be punished by not showing up?

Another time just two days ago, someone invites four kids but only one of them was not supposed to come so the mother uninvited one of them when all of them said they could come. I thought that was horrible because why invite someone and then uninvite them? Only invite three kids or none at all or have the parents take their own kids to the party if there be no room in the car for five kids. So people in that thread were saying they would change their RVSP and I said that wasn't fair for the child because it's not her fault her mother did something abhorrent so why should she be punished for it? Believe me, I would be tempted to change my child's RVSP too if that happened but I wouldn't go along with it because it would not be fair for the birthday child because of his own mother.

I think it's the emotions that are doing this to people. They don't stop and think rationally about if they do something back to the person, then the innocent person gets effected by it and it's not fair to them. So I hate feelings with passion because it makes people act so irrational. I even think people may not even realize they are acting with emotion because someone once made a thread about if kids who are in vegetable state should go to school and parents took that the wrong way so they attacked the OP and were very rude and hostile than acting rational. The OP even called them out on that and they were all like "No you are the one who is being irrational, your logic is so flawed." I just learned that day people who let their emotions get in the way do not realize it. Uh you can disagree without letting your emotions get in the way. Don't they know that?

When someone is in need of emotional support, I say nothing because I am not good with emotional support. I don't even want to social experiment unless I don't care how it may effect them so I say what I think is right.


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25 Mar 2012, 11:19 am

Macimate wrote:
Now, in the last few years, as I've become more educated and aware of human brain mechanisms, psychology (the areas that aren't pseudo), I've begun to feel like I might just be the most logical person in the world.

I can rationalize and discard almost any emotion I feel right away, because I know exactly what's causing it. Mind you, I still can't ignore the feelings (although that's getting better) of low self-esteem, and my inferiority with social situations as it seems it's so ****ing deep-rooted in me.

I feel a sense of pride of not letting anything get to me, and I'm starting to have views about myself as superior (although I still have low confidence) because I simply don't submit to any primitive thoughts/emotions these days, except vital ones like eating, sleeping obviously.

I'm becoming more and more asexual as I've even begun rationalizing my sexuality because I know it's something primitive that's hard-wired into me.

I wouldn't call this "superior". Superior creatures act on their emotions and satisfy them. They achieve what they desire to achieve, without being forced to discard these feelings by any other more "superior" creature or force. That success is the only true measure of superiority in this real world of ours.

Your definition of what "superior" means seems to be informed by a set of beliefs given to you by your educators, a belief system which they have called "psychology". You have been trained to arrest your own emotions, and you have been taught that it is correct to do this because they are "primitive". Similarly, you have also been led to believe that anything "primitive" is negative, wrong, or "bad".

Why would anything be bad just because it has been arbitrarily classed as "primitive" by a few people who arbitrarily claim themselves to be an authority? By the same standard, eating is primitive, breathing is primitive, reproduction is primitive, defending your life at all is primitive. Existence itself is primitive. Why are these things negative? Because that's what is taught in school?

You sound like a domesticated animal. You speak positively about how well you have been trained to be completely selfless, only existing to serve and obey the will of others. You have been trained to associate this kind of life with the thought of "superiority", as though no one else is as capable of doing it as you are (they are, it takes more strength not to), but your own feelings know that it isn't superiority. Your feelings of low self-esteem are telling you this very clearly, but you want to suppress those feelings too, so that the last remaining fragment of your own defeated will has been destroyed, and you no longer have to participate in the competition of life, trying to satisfy that will.

You hope that after that, after it is all "under control", you won't have to do anything else but what your psychology books have told you. Which is... Nothing. Because you no longer have any desires, or "self" at all. You'll just be another drone for this authority which has taught you so much.

Sorry, maybe I'm being presumptuous? That's just what it sounds like. Maybe you're not like this at all.

But I stand by my definition of superiority. Your feelings are not some primitive evil force from ancient demonic times .Your feelings exist as part of you, they are what guides you, they are your compass. Superiority is measured by the ability to reach the destination which this compass points to. Superiority is not measured by the ability to ignore this compass just because some other creature doesn't want you to follow it (because that would interfere with him following his, which points to a nice little tropical island called "telling everybody else what to do").


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25 Mar 2012, 1:13 pm

I feel like I can barely control my emotions at all but people around me may not see it that way because I don't always show emotions that I do feel or always have emotions that are normal to have or that people think I should.

Emu Egg
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25 Mar 2012, 3:10 pm

Slap-jerk style emotions & cold-stoned emotions can be the same strength. Some people ( NT's ) cannot help BUT to show their emotions on their sleeves & this helps in society where emotional bonding essential.

Analyzing, probing and searching your feelings when you have them instead of simply acting upon them makes them no less different. It is simply a different perspective of what your emotions are for.

At the same thought; what ARE emotions for. Where the f**k do they come from?

Answer: You. You are not only the holder of the emotion, nor ONLY the creator, you ARE the emotion. Emotional energy is the highest of energies within your reality. BE your emotions. CREATE your emotions & build your reality around you.

At any point in time your perception is subject to change. Same as your emotions. Same as your thoughts. Same as your actions. Make them whatever the f**k you want. Every day is YOUR day. It's all for you. It's always been all about you. Every moment is your now and every now if your moment. THAT is the perception of liberation from burden. For all burdens are manifestations within your own mind.

Be emotional. Be thoughtful. Be change & energy & motion. Your life is the sum of the emotions... e motion energy motion hah, I just now got that, anways I digress: ALL OF LIFE IS THE SUM OF YOUR EMOTIONS! All happiness is your happiness. All sadness is your sadness. Create the life you want to live.

You Are Consciousness. May Light be All Within You.