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27 Mar 2012, 1:01 pm

What's the connection?

I don't get it.

Do we have a worse-functioning immune-system because we are always stressed because of our social anxiety?

Does stress lower the immune-system functionality of a person?


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27 Mar 2012, 1:02 pm

stress does, what is IBS? I don't remember the last time I got sick that it wasn't food poisening, I am not always the healthiest but I have a good immune system


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27 Mar 2012, 1:05 pm

Stress. Stress and fear.

I either spend a week having trouble not crapping myself or can't go at all and have bad burning pains in my stomach :(

I was given Meveberine and it has alleviated it somewhat, but for four years now it has been constant :(

They say that is is caused by your brain sending signals to the nerves in your digestive tract.

And it sucks, so I'm sorry to hear you are suffering from it also :(


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27 Mar 2012, 1:08 pm

my immune system seems to work better than average.....

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27 Mar 2012, 1:54 pm

I think it is anxiety and the flood of hormones caused by anxiety.


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27 Mar 2012, 2:04 pm ?

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27 Mar 2012, 2:04 pm

For me, it's definitely food related. When I keep to a low dairy, low gluten diet (I really should go all the way and go GFCF), I'm better.

I actually think my immune sytem is really good and on hyper-alert, for good reason. I'm allergic to some preservatves that researchers think may be linked to breast cancer (I've had proper allergy testing at my local hospital). My body tells me they're no good for me, so I've not been touching them for years, meanwhile other women have been poisoning themselves with them (maybe, I hope not, but I think they are).

I have a severe IBS attack within 30mins of accidentally consuming maltodextrin, but I've been told I can't be reacting to it - but I am for sure. I do try to avoid it, as the pain is excruciating, but I've had a couple of mishaps. It would be interesting to know if anyone else has a similar reaction.

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27 Mar 2012, 3:43 pm

I have always had IBS. Part of the problem is stress related, part is caused by a kink in my bowel, part was caused by greasy fried foods, and there may be other issues as well. As part of an attempt to eat a little healthier, some years ago I cut back on fried foods. It reduced my stomach acid flare-ups big time, so I switched to almost never eating fried foods any more. That helped even more. I also cut back on sodas, and that reduced my intestinal gas big time, so I switched to almost never drinking soda after that, and that helped more, too. I will on rare occasions have something fried at home, but very rarely, as I don't want to have to clean up the mess. I will sometimes buy fried foods when eating out, but seldom eat out, so it is a treat then, and not a full time change back to a fried diet. I allow myself such treats. I find that moderately treating yourself to an unhealthy food reduces binging on it, which would be likely if I felt deprived by trying to never eat it again. Because I know I am allowed to have the naughty foods once in a while, if I really feel like having them, I am not really prone to binging on them. I also don't buy soda for home and only rarely buy it when eating out. I prefer to have apple juice, tea, chocolate milk, or water when eating out.

I have heard a number of posters mention intestinal problems, including IBS, and I have also read articles about it, too. Apparently it is one of the possible spectrum traits.

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27 Mar 2012, 4:39 pm

Why do so many aspies have IBS?
Because Aspies are human, and IBS is very common among humans. :)

Digestive problems in general are widespread--people with AS have them just like the general population does.

Not that this means you shouldn't treat them, of course. I imagine that having IBS is probably pretty distracting when you are trying to juggle eye contact and conversational give-and-take and casual speech all at the same time!

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27 Mar 2012, 4:47 pm

I have had IBS and had it for years, I only get it at stressful times. For people with AS we are usally more anxious/stressed and inturn are more prone to ibs.

I have also read a lot of research about gastrointestinal problems and autism - - Might help some people with some symptons but it no cure as some are trying to make out.

For me I very rarely get ill just regular IBS, something I could do with out.

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27 Mar 2012, 5:30 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
my immune system seems to work better than average.....

Mine too.

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27 Mar 2012, 5:57 pm

Find out what your triggers are and you'll be (mostly) ok.

I used to have horrendous IBS. It took about 15 years but I eventually narrowed it down to dairy foods, citrus fruits, sweetcorn and other tough high cellulose vegetables such as peppers. Stress and lack of sleep also exacerbate the symptoms.

Keep a diary to help you diagnose problem foods.


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27 Mar 2012, 7:02 pm

( I don't have any problems ). ( Can ignore everything beyound this point. )

TechnoDog at it again, :/ You know the common thing in the foods your listing is they fortify or high in D3(vitamin D). Felt like having a go.

What happens if you take a "D3" Vitamin D pill?
Would "fish canned in oil" be the highest in Vitamin D?
I don't know if "questor" talking about the opposite. Would greasy fried foods, cause a deficiency in Vitamin D.
( It says you should avoid it, from a site I seen ).

Vitamin D is properly classified as a secosteroid hormone precursor. A hormone is a chemical substance produced by one organ and then transported in the bloodstream to a target organ, where it causes a specific biological action.

Conventional wisdom has always held that there is no inflammation seen in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Well, the times they may be a-changing. Cutting edge research has begun to find evidence of low-grade inflammation in digestive tract tissue in some IBS patients. ... mation.htm

The Importance of avoiding vitamin D

Sources of vitamin D must be avoided while treating inflammatory diseases caused by intracellular bacteria because 25-D levels are elevated by the foods and supplements that contain vitamin D. This recommendation is made, not because vitamin D is immuno-suppressive (there's insufficient scientific evidence to make this claim) but because lowering 25-D to a reasonable level can help decrease elevations in 1,25-D and thus reduce inflammatory symptoms. In most, or many, a 25-D level of 8-15ng/ml appears to be enough to maintain a normal 1,25-D (and not promote excessive production of 1,25-D which may cause inflammatory symptoms).

People who increase their intake of vitamin D with food or supplements may feel better in the short-term if inflammatory symptoms are reduced but they will succumb to the chronic diseases caused by intracellular infection more rapidly in the long run. ... cle&id=176

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27 Mar 2012, 8:54 pm

Could have something to do with our eating habits. I always have to force myself to eat more and with more variety.

Fish oil has a laxative effect on me, but only slightly. Primrose oil is good too.

How many of us actually drink a lot of water and exercise?

Oh yeah...fried food, sodas - never have that stuff.

During pms it's worse though. Avoid cheese at all costs.

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