Aharon wrote:
I took the autism test and tested 34 out if 50; very likely an aspie. My wife tested 7. That score is so low, it's like super normal. Or is it? Does anyone know someone that tested that low?
Sometimes I wonder if she's autistic; she can be extremely logical, although extremely emotional at the same time. She's pretty OCD about organization and stuff (never dx'd). And I think she'd make an amazing lawyer because you cannot win an argument with her, period.
We both took the test where it shows your traits as a diagram that looks like a deformed cookie. Mine was mostly to the right, and hers was almost completely opposite of mine, we could make a complete circle out of it if we put our results together.
I keep thinking about that 7 score. Any thoughts?
I got a 7 too. I am quite logical (well more than many of my friends and family) with a passion for science. I am very evidence led. I try to be hyper rational about my own emotions. I'd still say I am very emotional in that I feel things strongly - sometimes I believe the things I feel/sometimes I don't. Mostly, I find it very easy to ignore my body if it doesn't agree with my brain and soul.
I am intensely romantic, possible spiritual, with my closest friends.
So I am not at all autistic, I'm "NT", but I like hanging out here because I dont think my thinking is that different to most folk here.
I'm not sure I believe in NTs.