My dreams usually take place in an elaborate, large, dark and eerie building that is like a school with a shopping mall attached to it. The top floor of the school looks like the top floor of my elementary school, while the bottom floor, basement, schoolyard and cafeteria resemble my junior high. The mall barely resembles the mall in my city. Its stairs and escalators hover, though sometimes the 2nd floor is completely gone and all there is are railings in front of the shops. During these dreams I always have a sense that something terrible is about to happen at any moment.
Different scenarios take place in my dreams:
Teeth falling out - I have been frequently dreaming lately that my adult teeth get loose and fall out. At first only one falls out, but as the dream goes on I quickly lose more teeth until there are many gaps in my mouth.
Running home - Sometimes I dream that I've been left alone at school or the grocery store and that I have to walk home. Sometimes I get lost on the freeway or in the mountains, but other times I remember to take the path that leads to my home, which is the same, nearly identical path I took in real life from my elementary school to my childhood home. I often feel like I'm being followed or chased in these dreams.
Sharing housing/showers with other women - Sometimes I either dream that I am on a reality show or in a dormitory or school trip where I have to sleep and bathe with other women. I have always found the idea of living with women my age exciting, since I loved sleepovers with my best friend when I was a child. So in these dreams I feel excited and happy. But these dreams never get beyond the process of unpacking my clothes and deciding who sleeps in what bed.
Reuniting with childhood friends - Since I often dream of school, then it's no surprise that I also dream of my childhood friends. Most of the time they are happy to see me, but sometimes they are hostile or fail to notice me at all. With my best friend, all the interactions are intensified. Most of the time she reacts positively to me, with us becoming as close as we were when we were younger, or even becoming lovers, as I have always wished we could be. She always invites me over to her house, which in the dream-world looks like a cross between a mansion and a dollhouse. Her family is always happy to see me and welcomes me with open arms.
Inappropriate dreams - Sometimes I dream of bizarre sexual or scatological things. At best I will simply wake up and go 'WTF', but at worst these dreams leave me feeling disgusted and disturbed for the entire day. I won't go into details.