First of all, I know that the poll is far for being complete, I just need some preliminary result to see if the trend is actually enough explicit to lead to a real study into the subject.
I agree with considering a unique autistic spectrum
I agree that IQ test don't measure intelligence
I agree that MBTI personality is not a "complete science"
Said that looking at intercorrelation can still lead to some insight in the autism trait mechanics and if the results are significant one can try further and more specific studies.
For poll porpoise:
Autism scale:
low-mid functioning: kanner's autism with a lot of problem in comunication and social area
High functioning - Classical Asperger: clinical problem in comunication and social area
Subclinical or Normal Variant: both for late talker and early talker, if you work, study and conduct an autonomous life. For anyone with Spectrum trait (or a you had a Spectrum DX in young age) but now you are only considered "very weird", basically you don't have clinical impairment.
do the test here:
I'm using Jung Typology Test (Your type formula according to Carl Jung and Isabel Myers-Briggs typology)
For IQ range just put in any standard test you have done, if you want to do the test you prefer (just don't do Facebook test, please) and pay attention to the standard deviation:
for usual IQ test (15-16 IQ points = 1 standard deviation) the range is:
Gifted (130+)
Above average (115-130)
Average (85-115)
Below average (IQ<85)
Thanks for your collaboration
Keep the reply in the format:
INTP/Above Average/Subclinical
ISFJ/ Below Average/Asperger
If for any reason you don't want to reply in public you can still send me a private message (also if you want to reply for sibling, etc..) I'll keep all the data confidential, I only need them for statistical purpose.
I'll keep an updated statistic on this page.
Thanks for your collaboration.
Planes are tested by how well they fly, not by comparing them to birds.