I find my audial memory to be somewhat inconsistent.
With music, sounds, and tones, I'm lucky enough to remember things well enough that after maybe one or two listenings, they'll never leave my memory, and what I hear in my mind is simillar to changing tracks on an massive digital music player containing thousands of tracks that I can change between at will.
On the other hand, when it comes to speech, I'm very poor. I hear sentences, but often don't comprehend them even the first or second time people speak them to me.
I've often thought that wheras music is an emotional experience for me, and thus requires attention, speech holds little to no emotional interest, and when I'm hearing something the first time, it's merely a noise distracting me enough to understand the first or second repetition.
There is nothing about these perplexing and morally insensitive humans that cannot be solved with the aid of a heavy machine gun.