How does an adult go about getting a diagnosis/eval? USA

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03 Oct 2017, 11:32 pm

I know how it goes for a child. My youngest was diagnosed last spring. Her evals included academic achievement (Woodcock-Johnson), IQ (WISC-V), receptive language, social/emotional (BASC-3), etc, etc. That psychologist only sees children.

I have a 20 year old daughter who needs to be evaluated. The above seems like overkill for a college student. How does it go for an adult? What is involved?

Thanks in advance!

ETA: I live in the United States. Also, I realize this question probably gets asked all the time. I wasn't sure what to type into a "search". So if you've answered this question a thousand times--Thanks again.

Last edited by momtofour on 04 Oct 2017, 12:58 am, edited 4 times in total.


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03 Oct 2017, 11:47 pm

If you want members to assist, they will need to know what country you live in.


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03 Oct 2017, 11:54 pm

B19 wrote:
If you want members to assist, they will need to know what country you live in.

thx. updated my OP.


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05 Oct 2017, 6:41 am

If you find out, let me know.

There are darn few "qualified" experts on adult diagnosis (although being 20 is close enough that the "raw material" is there to diagnose as if she was still a teenager). I've been trying to track down someone in my area, and with no luck.

I can tell you that your best bet is to search in major metropolitan areas (New York City, Chicago, Boston, LA, San Francisco, Dallas, etc.). If you can find just one expert, they may know who else in the country can do the job and refer you.

Heck, I tracked down someone listed as being an expert in Tennessee only to have them tell me they weren't set up to do the job. :(


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05 Oct 2017, 6:58 am

Diagnoses in your 20s get harder because that is when a lot of mental illnesses first become obvious. Though they have an easier time making a diagnosis when you have kids on the Spectrum. Sometimes College students can participate in on campus studies that could provide a diagnosis.

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05 Oct 2017, 4:20 pm

You might put the state or largest city closest to where you live. Someone might have gone thru this process and can recommend someone for you to talk to. If you were in Indiana, I could help, the therapist my wife and I were seeing for marriage related issues is licensed by the state to diagnose ASD disorders in adults and children. AD

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05 Oct 2017, 11:20 pm

I appreciate the replies. I have located a couple of psychologists in my area who do evaluations for adults. I'm in Alabama. It has taken some time--talking to other parents of ASD kids and emailing one of our state universities that is part of our state's regional autism network. The person who heads that department called me and talked to me about what the university offered and well as private providers in the area. She was very helpful and told me to call or email anytime if I had questions. I was so surprised to actually get a phone call when she could have just emailed.

If anyone else has any insight into how adults are tested, I would love to know what to expect--or look for.


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05 Oct 2017, 11:26 pm

Tony Attwood wrote "The Complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome" - he has many videos on YouTube that may be helpful though the one above addresses diagnosing adults.


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08 Oct 2017, 11:04 pm

B19 wrote:

Tony Attwood wrote "The Complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome" - he has many videos on YouTube that may be helpful though the one above addresses diagnosing adults.

Thank you!