Do I have aspergers?
Hi all. I'm sure you get too many threads like this, but this has been worrying me a lot recently for some reason. Apparently my 5th grade teacher thought I could possibly have had it, but later thought that I had too many friends and was too good at humor to have it. So, anyway, here are all the things that I think are weird about me. They mostly relate to social functioning.
I'm extremely paranoiac about people. I don't think I've ever trusted anybody in my life. I used to lie constantly to everybody. This would relate more to me trying to prevent people from getting to know/understand me more than for the sake of any actual gain, if that makes any sense. I'm terrified of interacting with people because I always feel like they dislike me intensely and mean to do me harm.
I'm extremely good at reading people. If I interact with somebody for any length of time, I will figure them out to a pretty deep level. The assessments I make of people are generally very accurate. This is all intuitive. I just naturally have a good feel for people, I guess. I feel like I have to pretend that I know less about people than I do to keep from weirding them out.
I've got an extremely flat affect. I look completely emotionless if I don't go out of my way to try and act normal. I wasn't always this way, but I trained myself to show no emotion at around 12 years of age. This relates to the paranoia, I think.
I'm extremely taciturn and keep to myself most of the time. I probably haven't said more than "Hey." to about 3/4 of the coworkers at a job I've worked at for 7 months.
Since I was young, I've had a belief (on an emotional level, more than an explicit "logical" one) that I was subhuman and that the rules of society did not apply to me. Kind of like the concept of an outlaw, in the old use of the term. As far back as I can remember, I've always felt that I was not "allowed" to act normal because I was inherently abnormal and disgusting and that other people would respond with anger or something if I tried to act like a normal human being. Due to this, I often don't respond to social cues. Not because I don't see them (I am extremely sensitive to them, actually), but because I feel like I am allowed to respond properly.
Thanks! Sorry if this came out kind of disorganized and unreadable, I'm a bit scatterbrained at the moment.
I'm no expert, but it doesn't sound to me like you have asperger's. If you want to get a better idea, you could try an online test - the aspie quiz, for example. There's a thread in this forum about different online tests - it has links to the different ones. That could be a good start, even if it is just a process of elimination.
Have you seen a psychologist or had a referral through your school? Or spoken to a doctor about this? It might be worth considering this. There's a good forum in here about other conditions - perhaps you might like to take a look.
Hahaha, s**t. I read the article and felt like it was about me.

Have you seen a psychologist or had a referral through your school? Or spoken to a doctor about this? It might be worth considering this. There's a good forum in here about other conditions - perhaps you might like to take a look.
I've taken a few of those tests. I generally more "neurotypical" than the average "neurotypical", except w/r/t socialization. I saw a psychologist when I was younger, but just lied to appear normal because I did not trust him at all. Thanks for the advice, I'll take a look around.
It might help when you're shopping around for a psychologist to suggest that this is what you think you have, so that you can get a feel for how they react to it and see if you get a good vibe from them. It's not always easy to find a good match when finding a therapist, and they're certainly all different people with different personalities and experiences, so it might take some trial and error as well as some research to find someone you think you can trust, especially if you are in fact schizoid.