Understanding, even perception, of Asperger's & the milder forms of autism is a relatively recent phenomenon, so to begin with, in the past people with AS, etc. would merely be perceived as shy, sensitive, quiet, and likely loners, or even hermits.
Not as having a disorder they might pass on.
In the past, marriages were not necessarily companionable couplings based on compatibility.
Husbands could be completely emotionally unavailable and no-one would notice anything odd. A wife would be taken simply out of duty, to carry on a family line. A grumpy man who keeps mostly to himself and rubs people the wrong way is not out of the ordinary in historical terms. It could even be spoken of as being 'prideful'.
(Psychology is also a relatively recent field of exploration & study.)
A female having the qualities of quietness, sensitivity, shyness would merely be fitting into the expectations of feminine behaviour at the time, and be found attractive for it...Only in recent history does such behaviour stand out as odd or inappropriate, with all of our current vast freedoms, choices, and resultant expectations in how women must participate in society.
AS 169/200
NT 23/200