Yeeeeessssss!! ! If it looks like it feels interesting, whether it be shiny, rough, thin (like a thin, flowy fabric), squishy, smooth... on and on, I have to touch it.
I often pull leaves off of plants that I pass just because I have to feel them in my hands. I like to tell people how leaves on northern plants tend to differ from leaves on southern plants (leaves in my native New Jersey were often thin, flexible, with very pronounced "veins"... leaves here in south Florida are waxy, sometimes thick, sometimes with soft little "hairs"... I can explain why, too, but I'm probably already rambling on enough...)
I also like to kiss my boyfriend's forehead, because it gives me a chance to run my lips just millimeters above his skin and feel all the little "peach fuzz" hairs on his face... I feel it much easier with my lips than with my fingers. (Luckily, he thinks it's sweet when I do it, hehe.)