Stargazer43 wrote:
I have kind of a funny question. Anyways, occasionally I will go to youtube and watch videos of people talking about Aspergers syndrome and how they've coped with it and such. However, I have noticed a trend when watching these: that almost everyone in them is British! It seems that like 80% or so have British accents (with a few Australian/New Zealanders thrown in the mix too lol). I don't have anything against the British, I just found this trend interesting. So, it got me curious as to why this specific demographic seems to be so overrepresented? Is it because Aspergers is more widely known, or diagnosed, in England? Or is it simply that British people are more likely to get in front of a camera and start yapping away? Or perhaps it's just my luck with the search results lol. Anyways love to hear some opinions!
Not sure about vloggers, but I did notice that many documentaries about people with psychological/neurological issues (not only AS, but also about Tourette's, or eating disorders, and others) are British. Both on Youtube and satellite tv (Sky). It could be that there is more of an educational twist to public media.
At age 24, 4 months and 10 days I was officially told: "Congratulations! You are an Aspie".
Now I write about it -->