jetbuilder wrote:
I got called that a couple weeks ago when someone said they couldn't remember pi past 3 digits.
I said it out loud real fast to 29 digits. I just got blank stares and someone said "Okay, we know who the rainman in the shop is now." I didn't get it at first because I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid.
LOL I was out to dinner with family recently and my niece told everyone that she had learned pi to 5 digits in school that day. I rattled off pi to 25 digits and everyone just stared at me. Ha ha, they all know I'm different. Didn't get called rain man, though.
I don't think of it as a slur. I call my daughter that sometimes, in fun, because she's been almost obsessed with a certain tv game show for about the last year. If we're not home to watch it, she'll always remember what time it is and that the show is on.