pensieve wrote:
Socially autistic is an oxymoron. Anyway, even with technology people are still as social as possible. It is called 'social media' for a reason.
Exactly. Some people seem to have established a false causality between the internet and autism - lots of autistic people use the internet, therefore autism is caused by the internet. There is no evidence to establish that two things are not purely coincidental, which seems the most likely outcome as the increase in autism diagnosis rates predates widespread use of the internet (and definitely Facebook, which seems to be blamed for everything bad in the world). I voted 'disgusted' mainly because what disgusts me is when people just make things up and pretend it's science.
Baroness Susan Greenfield claimed last year that there was a possible link between internet use and the rise in autism diagnosis, which annoyed a lot of people on the grounds that she had no real evidence on which to base that and has refused to publish any of her so-called research in an academic journal rather than the British gutter press. A professor of neuropsychology at Oxford University pointed out that,
"Most cases are diagnosed around the age of two, when not many children are using the internet. You don't suddenly get autism in the middle of your childhood. And this rise has been documented over the past 20 years, long before Twitter and Facebook."
Greenfield replied,
"I point to the increase in autism and I point to internet use. That's all." That sums it up really - you could do this with anything. I could say there is an increase in people owning electric kettles and therefore imply that electric kettles cause autism and I could probably get people to believe me.