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17 May 2012, 4:20 am

Don't you hate it how, not only do parents force their children to ride buses resulting in their noisy protests, but in a stupid effort to 'quieten' them down (which is usually just an exercise in narcissistic showing of 'authority') the parents become even more noisy than they are?

I wish someone somewhere has the guts to tell these ret*ds to STFU.


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17 May 2012, 4:31 am

I really don't like going by bus. So annoying. People coming too close, children crying, teenagers playing music on their phone out loud and being noisy in general, the sound of people pressing the stop button and, like you said, noisy parents etc. Too much too hear. Too much to see. It's easy to get overloaded.


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17 May 2012, 4:38 am

Mootoo wrote:
Don't you hate it how, not only do parents force their children to ride buses resulting in their noisy protests, but in a stupid effort to 'quieten' them down (which is usually just an exercise in narcissistic showing of 'authority') the parents become even more noisy than they are?

I wish someone somewhere has the guts to tell these ret*ds to STFU.

Riding the bus is OK. Kids suck. Especially noisy ones.


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17 May 2012, 4:57 am

I love getting the bus, especially my favourite little bus, but there are still things that annoy me when I'm on my bus:-

1. Toddlers yelling and screaming
2. People sitting next to me
3. People farting (yes, they do, especially young girls. They do it so they can stink everybody out. f*****s)
4. People putting toddlers in the seats behind me, so they scream in my ear and kick my seat
5. The bus being full already and so I got to stand up, and nobody seems to get off throughout the whole journey so I got to stand up the whole time (this is only brilliant when the bus-driver who I fancy is driving it, otherwise, it sucks)
6. When teenagers come on and two sit in the seats in front of me and two sit in the seats behind me so I'm smack-bang in the middle of their little group and feel awkward
7. People coughing and sneezing loudly
8. When my favourite bus-drivers aren't on it, only some non-descript twat who is unfriendly



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17 May 2012, 5:10 am

I think kids and teenagers should have their own buses, their own villages to live in, their own world. And quiet, dignified, mature people should have their own world too. Let's face it, we're never going to mix happily.


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17 May 2012, 6:05 am

For me it is often the smell that is worse than the noise. I can block a lot of the noise out with headphones, but there is nothing I can do about the people who haven't washed for days. I'm quite sensitive to smell and I often feel so sick I have to get off the bus. I try not to think unkind thoughts about people who smell, because it is probably not their fault if they are old and have no one to look after them, or if they are intellectually disabled and don't know how to look after themselves.


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17 May 2012, 8:51 am

Mootoo wrote:
Don't you hate it how, not only do parents force their children to ride buses

What makes you think they are 'forcing' them. Had it occured to you that maybe they have to take them on the bus? Leaving young children home alone is a criminal offence.

Mootoo wrote:
I wish someone somewhere has the guts to tell these ret*ds to STFU.

I can count myself as one of those 'ret*ds' who 'force' my children on the bus.

What am I saying? Maybe I should just STFU :roll:


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17 May 2012, 9:07 am

I have more problems with noisy, rude teenagers who aren't accompanied by their adult handlers. If minors are out in public without supervision, everyone should be allowed to slap them if they misbehave. It takes a village to properly socialize wayward brats and teach them some manners. It is not acceptable that juveniles are allowed to bully and threaten adults without consequences.

Alternatively, kids should be shipped off to some remote island at age 12, where a team of competent educators teach them proper and respectful social behavior. They can be reintroduced into general society at age 25, when their frontal lobes are fully developed. I'm sure that would make our streets a lot safer and prevent 99% of all vandalism, as well as half of all gang violence.


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17 May 2012, 10:18 am

nemorosa, only if you're then even more noisy than your children on the bus. I'm not faulting all parents, only those who seem even more immature than their offspring (which could easily be the reason the children are noisy themselves).


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17 May 2012, 10:36 am

CrazyCatLord wrote:
everyone should be allowed to slap them if they misbehave.

Seconded. It is a kindness to slap hysterical people, to bring them to their senses before they harm themselves and others.

Alternatively, kids should be shipped off to some remote island at age 12, where a team of competent educators teach them proper and respectful social behavior. They can be reintroduced into general society at age 25, when their frontal lobes are fully developed. I'm sure that would make our streets a lot safer and prevent 99% of all vandalism, as well as half of all gang violence
The downside of that idea is that I lose my chance to slap them.


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17 May 2012, 10:47 am

Noise. People who shout on their mobile phone. I have my earphones in, you're several rows behind and I can still hear you shout. :roll:


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17 May 2012, 11:23 am

Today I was on the bus and a person sat next to me and part of their body touched part of my body. :eew:
That is another reason to hate those buses with the seats that face sideways. On buses with regular seats I don't think I ever had any random person I don't know sit next to me.


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17 May 2012, 12:35 pm

You mean the seats where you get forced eye contact with strangers? I've known the buses here so small and crowded that it's impossible to get off without practically dry-humping your fellow passengers. :oops:

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17 May 2012, 12:37 pm

Yep totally relate. I find the parents with screaming kids/obnoxious socialite drunk people somehow always manage to seek me out and sit right next to me :roll:
phones/ipods that play music out loud should be banned, especially as it seems only people whose taste in music sucks do this
people who speak so loud their voices still manage to pierce through whatever music I have playing through my earphones at full blast
eating fast food or takeaways or crisps makes me want to puke
when you're sat by the window and someone sits next to you and you can't move or get away
but when I get to sit in my fav seat at the front of the tram/bus and its quiet I like it :P


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17 May 2012, 1:09 pm

On the bus I get, there are some backwards-facing seats near to the back, which I avoid because the last time I sat there (which was nearly a year ago), I had this woman sitting in front of me staring at me the whole time. Well, she probably wasn't staring right at me, but I was in her firing line, and so every move I made it kind of drawn her eye to me, and it made me feel very uncomfortable and agitated sitting there. I know I could bring a book to read but trouble is I feel giddy if I look down on a bus, I have to be looking out of the window, but I can't relax properly if I can see somebody staring right at me in the corner of my eye. Usually when men sit there, I can tell that they're a bit uncomfortable too, and they try to sit in a position what makes me feel like they're not staring at me because they don't like sitting somewhere where they're getting stared at themselves, but a woman is usually quite happy to sit there staring and it doesn't seem to bother them (not all women).

So I'll rather stand up than sit somewhere where people are sitting facing me.
