Getting rid of tension/anger through aggressive action

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13 May 2012, 12:08 am

I need some advice about something. Right now, as it is, when I get really mad, I have this feeling like I need to partake in physical/aggressive movements like banging my fist against a table or stomping my feet or slamming a door or yelling or pulling on something.

The thing is my mom always says I shouldn't do that, that it's dangerous, that it just leads to things being broken, and while I agree for the most part, I feel like I have very little control over it, like I'm not able to NOT do it. And I can't really convince her of that.

Is she correct that I should be able to just 'not do it' and that it's something I'm doing voluntarily that I need to stop, or am I right that I can't really control it and it's not my fault?

Am I looking at this wrong? I understand that every aspie person is different (I was diagnosed with tourettes, aspergers, ADHD and OCD).

Does anyone here know what I'm talking about? My anger feels like it only goes away when I act aggressively in some way.


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13 May 2012, 12:11 am

UncleBibby wrote:
I need some advice about something. Right now, as it is, when I get really mad, I have this feeling like I need to partake in physical/aggressive movements like banging my fist against a table or stomping my feet or slamming a door or yelling or pulling on something.

The thing is my mom always says I shouldn't do that, that it's dangerous, that it just leads to things being broken, and while I agree for the most part, I feel like I have very little control over it, like I'm not able to NOT do it. And I can't really convince her of that.

Is she correct that I should be able to just 'not do it' and that it's something I'm doing voluntarily that I need to stop, or am I right that I can't really control it and it's not my fault?

Am I looking at this wrong? I understand that every aspie person is different (I was diagnosed with tourettes, aspergers, ADHD and OCD).

Does anyone here know what I'm talking about? My anger feels like it only goes away when I act aggressively in some way.

It becomes easier to control as you get older. What I did when I was your age is get an 80 lb punching bag. Good for aggression and good exercise.


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13 May 2012, 12:32 am

When I was younger, I had a tremendous amount of pure rage inside of me. Twenty years ago, this was maybe a little unusual for a woman, but I found my way into bodybuilding and it was enormous outlet for me. I would go to the gym and work out all of my aggression with the iron, and it almost always made me feel better. I never entered competitions-because that is not my style-but I cannot begin to tell you how therapuetic this was for me.


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13 May 2012, 12:33 am

Yeah. If you know for a fact you stim this way you may as well invest in a punching bag or least buy some boxing gloves so you don't destroy your hands or any of the surroundings.


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13 May 2012, 12:34 am

You can also channel the energy - it makes most physical tasks easier to start and easier to do, but especially if they involve heavy exertion.

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13 May 2012, 12:49 am

yer right.. it has to go out
keep inside and you will mess up inside yerself not good

moms dont get it.. they want happy pink rainbow fields.. guess what.. its not pink and I cant hit a f****n rainbow
yuou take care of you, keep you in good shape, mom will be happy
hit stuff to let the anger rage out, try find stuff before yer mad so its easy when u need it
chop wood and yer useful at same time!


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13 May 2012, 1:16 am

I used to have a lot of problems with this. Your mom doesn't understand because she has nothing to compare it to.

Don't try to control the worst rages. I tried that once, my body took over and acted of it's own accord. I fell to the ground, my vision went black and I started thrashing around. It was scary. Although, if you're in public and can keep it in til you get home, that is a good idea.

Don't try to stop them all at once. You can try to slow them down or try to let out steam before it gets too bad.

The best thing you can do is to try to find a way to get out your rage with the least damage to yourself or property. And hope that you find a way to lessen the severity w/ time and even stop the violence of the meltdowns altogether.


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13 May 2012, 1:19 am

UncleBibby wrote:
I need some advice about something. Right now, as it is, when I get really mad, I have this feeling like I need to partake in physical/aggressive movements like banging my fist against a table or stomping my feet or slamming a door or yelling or pulling on something.

The thing is my mom always says I shouldn't do that, that it's dangerous, that it just leads to things being broken, and while I agree for the most part, I feel like I have very little control over it, like I'm not able to NOT do it. And I can't really convince her of that.

Is she correct that I should be able to just 'not do it' and that it's something I'm doing voluntarily that I need to stop, or am I right that I can't really control it and it's not my fault?

Am I looking at this wrong? I understand that every aspie person is different (I was diagnosed with tourettes, aspergers, ADHD and OCD).

Does anyone here know what I'm talking about? My anger feels like it only goes away when I act aggressively in some way.

My mom bought me a punching bag when I was young. She also encouraged me to punch pillows instead of her walls. I've grown out of that for the most part. If I do feel the urge to hit, I'll hit my fist into my palm.


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13 May 2012, 1:50 am

I encounter this problem every once in a while; I don't punch walls, but I might feel the urge to slam something down or throw something. Punching my pillows seems to be an effective way to diffuse these urges without inflicting damage on something else.


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13 May 2012, 5:15 am

I used to find FPS computer games helpful for releasing aggression.