Getting off the phone without finishing the conversation...

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12 May 2012, 12:53 am


I was on the bus on the way to work and next to me i hear this woman saying "Naomi... Naomi. You can't get off the phone without finishing the conversation, that is very rude." The one sided argument went on and she kept saying to Naomi she is being rude because she wouldn't finish the conversation.

I thought it was very absurd it be rude to get off the phone because what if you had something else to do or had to leave for an appointment or your baby starts crying. You can't just finish the conversation and not go to your appointment or just ignore your child. What if something else went on and you had to get off like your food came and you were in a restaurant?

Note: This woman sounded mentally ret*d just by the way she talked and looked.

I don't know if this is a coincidence or not but twice in a row now I have seen these people accuse someone of being rude for no reason and it's over something crazy and not making sense. Last summer I was going to work and this lady was talking to the bus driver and she also sounded mentally challenged. This guy sitting by me has a cat and he starts talking to me about his cat and I talk to him back about it and then the woman starts calling me out on my "rude" behavior telling me how she was talking to her brother and I interrupted. But when I saw her talking, she was looking at the driver as she was talking but I don't know if she was looking at her brother too because I paid no attention to her and her brother was talking to me.

The lady sitting behind me tells me 'I will be praying for you" and I tell her "Shes not right in the head" and she laughs.

I don't know if these two ladies were being crazy due to their condition or is it just a coincidence? But is it really rude to get off the phone in the middle of the conversation or was the woman nuts?

Also I do not know if that lady on the bus was ret*d or not or has something else but just by the way her voice sounded, I could tell she had some developmental disability. I even thought schizophrenia too because she was crazy because of her false accusation so that was why I told the lady she is not right in the head.

But the today cellphone incident on the bus made me uncomfortable and thank goodness I was not the victim. Imagine if we were both talking and then I had to get off, she would probably accuse me of being rude too for leaving in the middle of our conversation. :roll:

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12 May 2012, 1:41 am

yes its rude
no it doesnt matter
let it slide


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12 May 2012, 1:59 am

HK416N wrote:
yes its rude
no it doesnt matter
let it slide

I'll add it to the list of reason why I do not like talking on the phone. What if I have an appointment or someone comes by or if my kid needs me? But yet it will never bother me if someone has to let me go or has to leave.

What about real life too when you are talking or online with IMs? Would it still be rude to leave in the middle of the conversation?


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12 May 2012, 2:09 am

Have you ever noticed on TV nobody ever says goodbye on the phone? Both parties seem to telepathically know when the conversation has ended.


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12 May 2012, 4:29 am

I cannot, have never been able to, cope w/ phones in the least. They do not function when I want them to & when it's incoming, it's pointless data. Now I live in an intentional community; I don't care for the hippies (so I'm nocturnal) but I do not ever have to answer a phone ever again. It's just an anonymous noise in the background - which is what phones always seemed to me anyway.

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12 May 2012, 6:14 am

Personally, I think it's rude to try and continue the conversation after the person has said "I have to go now, goodbye."

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Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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12 May 2012, 6:32 am

League_Girl wrote:

It really depends; if one person is being really angry and refusing to listen to the other person, then I think it is acceptable to end the call. It may make them even angrier in the short term, but then if you let them cool off, the argument/discussion can be continued more rationally at a later stage. Also, public transport is not the place to air your dirty laundry...

Note: This woman sounded mentally ret*d just by the way she talked and looked.

...for this reason.

I think it's probably best not to judge your behaviour based on what mentally unstable people tell you :) (though that is one of the great ironies of WP!). You were polite to reply when the guy with the cat started talking; it's his sister/companion that has the problem. It also sounds to me like the lady behind you may have 'prayed' for you because she felt sorry you were caught up in the mess, but didn't want to get personally involved herself.

It's ok not to continue the conversation if it looks like it's going nowhere and might escalate. It doesn't happen very often, but occasionally I have had to say goodbye and walk off on a client, not because they were just rude, but because they were irrationally so and the argument clearly could not be resolved by continuing it. You don't need to put up with crazy unless you're being paid to.

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12 May 2012, 7:05 am

this week my talk lady said she had enough of me
mental help lady hehe.. pro!
was fine tho, just tell me when and I understand and shut up. will do the same other way round


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12 May 2012, 9:10 am

I would sometimes hangup and get a call back and they would ask why I hung up.

"Because you stopped talking, so I assumed you were done."


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12 May 2012, 9:50 am

My reasons why I hate talking on them:

They take me away from my routine

They are a hassle when you call customer service for something and then are on hold

People who work for a business business trying to get you to sign up for stuff or trying to give you offers or discounts when you try to cancel

Sales people on phones and being pushy (thank god I don't get any)

Not understanding what is being said to me when they try and get me to sign up or sell me something or when it's something else important and it's so long

Not being able to hear what I am watching on TV

Not being able to chat to my online friends or being able to read stuff online

Having a hard time listening to the person speak on the other end of the line because they are not talking loud enough or they are just hard to understand at the other end

Back ground noise and some of it really hurts my ears and I feel like I am going to have a sensory overload, especially how annoying some of them are and it's like fingernails on a chalkboard. Also the fact it makes it very hard for me to hear the person.

Also the fact I just heard it's so rude to get off the phone in the middle of the conversation. f**k you social rule, if my son cries or needs me for something, I am getting off the damn phone to care for him or if I have a doctor's appointment for my son, f**k you I am not missing the appointment just to finish the conversation

I have no idea what I am going to say when I call and how to handle things socially so my husband has to rescue me by doing it for me, I just hand him the phone. He can handle social situations better than me and knows what to say while I freeze up.

I keep forgetting to make phone calls that are so important because I get stuck in what I am doing I forget

I prefer PM or IM or email when I chat. No phones.

I hate talking on the phone.


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12 May 2012, 1:07 pm

It's what they do in the fillums, but real life doesn't work quite like that.


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12 May 2012, 1:30 pm

Who_Am_I wrote:
Personally, I think it's rude to try and continue the conversation after the person has said "I have to go now, goodbye."

Then you wouldn't like to talk to people on the phone in Brazil XD

They're always like "Oi oi esperar!!"


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12 May 2012, 3:39 pm

edgewaters wrote:
Have you ever noticed on TV nobody ever says goodbye on the phone? Both parties seem to telepathically know when the conversation has ended.

I've noticed that too. It usually happens after one person has decided on something, or has made a point, which I guess is kind of an end to a conversation.


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13 May 2012, 2:22 am

JanuaryMan wrote:
Who_Am_I wrote:
Personally, I think it's rude to try and continue the conversation after the person has said "I have to go now, goodbye."

Then you wouldn't like to talk to people on the phone in Brazil XD

They're always like "Oi oi esperar!!"

It seems that here, people say "goodbye" about 3 times before actually ending a conversation.
I'm guessing that maybe the first couple of "goodbyes" serve as a warning to start winding down the conversation.
If I really want to get off the phone (which is always, since I don't like it), I just say that I have to go or I will miss my bus, or something similar.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I