Earlier tonight, my gf's cousin texted her and asked if she could stay with us part time until she finds a place (she is relocating). Well, she has two kids, once of which is physically disabled/special needs (MS i think or something similar). Regardless of whether one of her kids are special needs (which just makes it more stressful, but would be either way for me). Anyway, she was actually considering letting her do this!
I lost it. I have been trying so hard to explain Aspergers to her over the last few months, and I don't think it is sinking in. I put Tony Attwood's book on her Kindle for her to read...and she promised she would, but she hasn't yet. I mean, she is trying to understand...because she does make changes and adjustments to her plans according to how it affects me. Although, it is after she gives me "wow, do I know you at all?? What's wrong with you!??!" looks. She simply doesn't understand, but wants to.
Well, I'm NOT good at explaining how I feel...I mean, AT ALL! I know how to give a textbook answer of: I need rigorous routine; I am NOT in no way comfortable with people I do not know visiting...especially LIVING with me/us. Furthermore, I don't like children! They are unpredictable balls of chaos...and it is hard enough that I have one and the only way I deal with it is because she knows how to behave around me (for the most part--she's 11, so she has moments, of course).
So, of course I did not do a good job explaining how this made me feel...I just sort put it like "No! I can't! I can't!! !! She can't!! !". Her eyes got big...she didn't say anything, and wanted to go back to watching TV. I didn't have an answer from her. My insides were torn up...I was freaking out inside!! ! Finally, I force her to give me an answer on what she is going to do...which was not allow her cousin to stay here thankfully. But she explained that she was relocating because she was in an abusive relationship, and with that knowledge...couldn't understand why I didn't feel bad for her, and make an exception. She didn't understand.
I know that many Aspies do feel plenty of empathy, but I lack a great deal in this area. So, no that knowledge doesn't change my reaction. I feel more for bugs on the ground and animals than I do people. Anyways, she has a very hard time understanding this.
I'm not sure whether I should just leave this alone being she made the decision on my behalf and the cousin won't be staying with us, or bring it back up later in order to try to help her understand. She really needs to read the book I gave her...I hope she does soon.
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