Robotic wrote:
Why do people with asperger want to have autism?
I've been unofficially diagnosed as an Aspie (paid for an assessment out of pocket so that it wouldn't get logged), but I won't get the official diagnosis on my record specifically because it would be a death sentence for my career. Similarly, my son is showing significant aspie traits and I won't get him diagnosed either. We're both bright and functional, but getting labelled would immediately mean that he'd end up in a "special" class or be assigned an aide that he doesn't need.
I'm proud of being an Aspie here and claim the label, but I certainly wouldn't advertise it outside of my closest and most trusted friends and family. Similarly, I won't distance myself from low-functioning Autism because I feel that I'd be making the same mistake that NTs generally make about Aspies. But I'm certainly not "coming out" any time soon
I understand wanting to get an explanation for why the rest of the world is so screwed up, but I really can't imagine people wanting the label. Unless you intend to take advantage of the services and support groups, it seems like it's all downside.
"You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike"