Hmm, because I have autism, I have these things:
I'm absurdly fast. Not running speed or anything (as that part is absurdly slow), what I mean is mental processing and also reaction speed. There's an old phrase, "cat-like reflexes". No, I dont have those. I'm faster than cats, you see.
Extreme coordination, exceptional fine motor control. Manifests itself the most with gaming and comptuters, but it shows in other things as well. I never trip over stuff, I can hold huge numbers of seperate objects in one hand without any chance of dropping any, and can do various other high-dexterity things.
I'm very empathic, always have been. I hate seeing people feel bad and I'll usually try to help them if I can, rather than just ignore it. Some of this definitely came about as a result of my hellish high-school years, after seeing the way some jerkbags treat people, but it's always been there to some degree.
I handle lack of sleep well and it takes alot to get me at all tired. I'm also very resistant to medications that have a tranquilizing or sedating effect.
I'm excellent with animals and generally have an understanding of them that most people seem unable to achieve.
There's also that whole physical attractiveness aspect.... people call me beautiful, pretty, stuff like that.... and I'm male. Those words aint normally used on males, but those are the ones I get, never "handsome" or anything like that. I have some androgyny about me, so there's that, people tend to think I'm feminine in appearance.... I cant say for sure that any of this is for certain related to the autism, but.... I cant think of any better explanation, so I may as well attribute it that way.
And of course, it shapes my whole way of thinking. Allows me to think in ways that others have trouble with; I'm very good at abstract concepts, for instance.
Of course, there are downsides... I'm really spacey and absentminded and sometimes cant remember things that happened 5 minutes ago.... hell, I once lost my keys while I was holding them.... and my keychain is 2 feet long. Dont even ask how THAT event made any sense. And I tend to do things like trying to open hotel room doors by using the remote on the car key, and then standing there for 30 seconds wondering why it isnt working, or going to make a sandwich and forgetting random parts of it, including the bread a couple of times. And of course, I'm socially awkward and generally strange.
But that's fine, I dont mind that bit so much.