rebbieh wrote:
Yes. Not only people though. I "study" the world around me a lot (probably more than people). I see it, think about it, look for patterns etc. I often think of myself as an observer.
I am the same way...I've always been an observer, mostly of nature and numbers/patterns. I've become better at picking up on patterns/behaviors of people as I get older, though still not great at reacting to or interacting with.
I may appear disconnected/aloof at times, but I'm far more aware of subtleties/nuances and patterns/connections in things that most people seem oblivious in a sense, more connected than most just not in a verbal/social aspect.
And in response to the first post of the thread..."Do you ever catch yourself studying other people?" . Yes, I do. One of the several reasons I don't make eye contact, and if so it's very brief. I can hear what the person is saying much better if I look around or stare at something neutral while they're talking. If I look at someones face/eyes I stop hearing what they're saying and start to analyze their expressions or other individual aspects, or just become overwhelmed at all of what's coming at me and "freeze up"/stop hearing what they're saying. It's like I can only process so much, or one channel of information at once, not all of it.